3 Medicinal Plants For Pet Health

There are tons of medicinal plants with beneficial ingredients for your pet’s health. Find out more about the application and what you have to consider.
3 Medicinal Plants For Pet Health

Medicinal plants have been used throughout our history since their utility was discovered . Of course, although their uses have focused on human health, there are also medicinal plants that help improve pet health. In the following article we will introduce you to a few.

Medicinal Plants and Pet Health

Phytotherapy has been used for thousands of years. Both traditional and modern medicine have based their methodology on medicinal plants or herbs that contain certain active ingredients.

Every active plant ingredient consists of a number of substances or molecules that have a certain positive therapeutic effect on the organism. The active ingredient is extracted using various methods.

There are very helpful medicinal plants not only for humans, but also for animals. However, it is important to emphasize that not all medicinal plants are completely safe, as some ingredients can be harmful or even dangerous for your pet.

Tea for the dog

It is therefore always advisable to consult a veterinarian before starting treatment with medicinal plants. He can provide you with detailed information and advise you on the best application method and dosage.

Rosemary and juniper: aromatic and healthy herbs

Rosemary, a well-known herb, is widely used for animal health. The main reason is that this herb is often used as a natural preservative in pet food.

Rosemary is an excellent source of vitamin B6 and calcium and has antioxidant properties.

Its use is also suitable for treating fleas in dogs. Applying a rosemary infusion releases the antiseptic power of the plant and at the same time relieves the itching in your pet a little.

Medicinal plants for pets

Juniper ( Juniperus communis ) also hides many useful properties. Among the most famous is the diuretic and antiseptic effects of this medicinal herb, which can help improve pet health in relation to urinary tract infections.

But juniper can also be used, for example, to treat complaints caused by intestinal parasites. In this regard, it has been found to be very effective in controlling some types of parasitic worms in cats.

Milk thistle for your pet’s health

It is one of the best medicinal plants around, so its use is also widespread in veterinary medicine. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a medicinal plant that is very widespread in areas and is characterized in particular by the active ingredient silibinin.

Medicinal plants for pets: milk thistle

This substance has a positive effect on the liver cells and serves as protection for the liver and gall bladder. It is suitable for the treatment of some liver diseases. In some cases it can be given to the animal to help that organ purify and metabolize certain drugs.

Other useful medicinal plants for your pet

In addition to the medicinal herbs mentioned, there are innumerable plants with beneficial active ingredients for your pet. One of them is aloe vera, which has many benefits for external use. For the skin, yarrow extract is also a good balm on wounds.

Finally, it must be emphasized once again that it is always advisable to consult a veterinarian before using such a medicinal plant. This way you ensure that your pet’s health is in good hands.

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