6 Rangers Killed For Protecting Gorillas

It wasn’t until Dian Fossey started working here that poachers began to be ruthlessly pursued. Many put their lives on the line.
6 rangers killed for protecting gorillas

People are still being killed for protecting gorillas  and other wild animals. Unfortunately, another incident occurred. This time in the legendary Virunga National Park, the oldest protected area in Africa.

Five rangers and one driver were killed only because they were protecting mountain gorillas. These primates live in the impenetrable forests of the Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda.

We know it from documentaries and studies, because it is one of the most interesting animal species,  but it lives very isolated. 

The Virunga rangers take care of the national park of the same name. But it wasn’t until Dian Fossey started working here that poachers began to be ruthlessly pursued. Many put their lives on the line.

Virunga: dangerous for animal rights activists and gorillas

This is not the first time that rangers have paid with their lives in this national park:  more than 170 rangers, activists and employees have been murdered in the last 20 years.

The great apes’ best known friend, primatologist Dian Fossey, was also found dead with a machete in her head.

The death of the five rangers is intended to draw attention to the fact that they are undesirable. After all, they make life difficult for the poachers. 

Anyone who works here to protect the  gorillas  knows that their life is in danger. Nevertheless, they are committed to protecting the natural paradise of the great apes.

The park has a huge impact on the wealth and future of this area. That is why they are considered true heroes by the locals.

Protection from gorillas

The danger of Virunga: poachers, wars and coltan

While poaching is one of the park’s major problems, it should not be forgotten that  cruel wars are waged near the inactive Virunga volcanoes. 

These have already claimed millions of victims in the Congo  Only in World War II there were more fatalities! Here control over the coltan mines plays an important role. Because this mineral is essential for the manufacture of mobile devices and computers.

Poaching is now increasingly controlled to protect gorillas and other primates. But so-called “bushmeat” still serves the guerrillas as food.

Gorillas are hunted

Joel Malembe, spokesman for Virunga National Park, confirms that the incident took place between Ishasha and Lulimba, near the border with Uganda. Presumably the resistance group “Mai Mai” is responsible for this. 

It should not be forgotten that there is also oil in this area. This is another threat to the home of the gorillas.

The pressure from western companies is great. They want to use parts of the park for their benefit.

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