6 Things Your Dog Doesn’t Like

Analyze your pet’s signals. If your dog is tired of bringing the ball, then you should quit the game.
6 things your dog doesn't like

Many treat their pets as if they were humans. Although they love a lot of activities, there are certain things they don’t like, which may surprise some. In this article, we’ll tell you what things your dog doesn’t like even though you think he’ll like them. You will be amazed!

Your dog doesn’t like certain things, even if you think they’ll like them

your dog and your family

It may seem funny when you do things your dog doesn’t like, but it isn’t to him. Even if your pet is the most wonderful being on earth, there are some things that they will not accept from you or your family.

It is difficult for dogs to express their displeasure, but watching faces or movements is enough. These are the things your dog doesn’t like, even if you think he might like them.

1. Words

We clearly do not speak the same language: dogs express themselves physically,  people love to talk a lot, even when others don’t understand.

Pets only recognize a few words that they hear over and over again (eating, walking, walking, sitting, sitting, etc.). If your dog is to perform a command, you will need to contact him directly and train him accordingly so that he can learn to associate the word with a particular activity.

All other explanations and conversations with your dog are pointless!

2. Very long sticks

When playing with the dog in the park or at home, sticks are often used so that the dog can jump over them. You may enjoy this, but not your dog. He may even be scared! 

In addition, your dog could injure its hind legs. Games with dogs should always be done at eye level. You should also not pretend to throw the stick to mislead your dog, it will only be frustrating for him.

3. Hugs

Of course you love your pet and want to show him that, just as you do with friends, your partner or your family. But your dog doesn’t like hugs! It makes you feel stressed.

When another animal puts its paw on the dog’s back, it is synonymous with dominance, not love. Even if you are the “leader of the pack”, you shouldn’t do it.

Even if he has never reacted badly, that can change unexpectedly at some point. Many dogs bite or attack in a similar situation because they defend themselves unconsciously.

4. Caresses (when he’s scared)

If you stroke your pet gently, it will feel loved and will surely ask for more when you stop caressing. However, when they feel threatened or scared, a caress becomes a warning sign, conveying that “something is wrong”.

For example, during a storm or at parties, your dog may be scared. Don’t make the mistake of petting or hugging him, as this will add to his anxiety and despair.

He thinks, “Something terrible has happened, that’s why they care about me more than ever.”

5. Look in the eyes

Your dog in your hand

This applies to dogs that we do not know because this “gesture” is seen as a danger or a threat. Eye contact is very important for dogs and if it lasts too long it can cause nervousness and discomfort. He might even want to attack you if you walk up to him.

6. Games with repetitions

As mentioned earlier, dogs don’t love jumping over a stick, but there are other games that are not fun for them. A ball game may be entertaining at first, but after the 5th time it gets boring looking for the ball and your dog is tired. You shouldn’t force him to keep playing.

Analyze your pet’s signals. If your dog is tired of bringing the ball, then you should quit the game.

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