7 Tips To Overcome The Death Of A Pet

The animal becomes a best friend, a confidante and a comforter in difficult moments. But like everything in life, this happiness comes to an end, because pets have a relatively short life. When the time comes and the beloved dog or cat dies, it is a difficult situation to deal with. 
7 tips to overcome pet death

From the first day a pet moves in, it forms part of the family. People who have never had a pet cannot always understand how close the bond can be with a dog or cat that accompanies you every day. Overcoming the death  of your beloved animal is not easy,  so today we are going to give you some good advice. 

The animal becomes a best friend, a confidante and a comforter in difficult moments. But like everything in life, this happiness comes to an end because pets have a relatively short life. If that happens and the beloved dog or beloved cat to death is, this is a difficult situation to be handled. 

Some make the decision to adopt another pet, others prefer not to have such a sad experience again. Have you already experienced this situation yourself? Then you will find various tips that can help you.

How to overcome the death of a beloved pet

Overcoming the death of a cat

When a pet is on the verge of death, many questions arise, all of which are looking for answers to help come through the loss of a loyal friend. Here are some answers that can help.

1-. How will i feel

The feelings after losing a pet are very different:

  • Rejection: You will see your beloved dog or cat’s face everywhere. You will open the door and believe that your animal will greet you because you cannot understand that it is no longer there. You need time to come to terms with it.
  • Guilt: You think you are to blame for death because you didn’t care for your pet. If it was sick, you may blame yourself for not discovering it early on. You are not to blame, death is a natural process that cannot be prevented.
  • Anger: Maybe you’re angry at the vet who couldn’t save your beloved furry friend, or at the car that stopped you and caused you to be late at the vet. Nobody is to blame, none of these things would have changed anything and your pet would have died anyway.

2-. Is this pain normal?

Yes. As mentioned at the beginning  , the pet becomes part of the family, so it is a grave loss. Not everyone may understand this, but you shouldn’t hide your pain. Crying is necessary to face the situation.

3-. Who can comfort me

Someone in your family or a trusted friend who loves animals can understand and comfort you. You may know someone who has already had to overcome the loss of a loved one. He will understand your feelings and give you real comfort.

4-. If the dog needs to be euthanized, should I be there?

Often pets have to be euthanized to save them pain and suffering. This can be a very painful experience, far more complicated than death by natural age or by accident. Some believe that they must show their loyalty to the animal until the end by standing by and holding the paw. That may or may not be true.

Everyone has to make this decision themselves, everyone is different and so is every animal. Calmly think about how you will react if you are present during the euthanasia. Think about what the last picture of your beloved animal should be. If you’re not prepared for it, you shouldn’t be there. Your pet knows you love them and has had a wonderful time with you.

5-. What happens after that?

Again, this can be a concern because the animal will need to be buried or cremated. There are companies that take care of everything. Some choose to take the urn home with the ashes. Everyone has to make such decisions for themselves.

6-. How do I explain it to my children?

Child with dogs cannot understand their death

That can be a very difficult situation. It is said that the truth is always good for you, and  we are of the same opinion in this case too. However, you have to carefully teach your children and explain to them child-friendly that the pet is no longer there. Sentences like “he’s gone” can lead to doubts in children, they might think that the animal will come back and wait for it.

7-. Should I adopt another pet?

Only you can answer this question yourself. However, it is usually best to allow a while for the pain to ease. Only then can you offer a new, happy home to another pet without comparing it to the animal that has passed away.

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