Why Is It Better To Adopt Two Cats?

Ideally, you adopt two kittens from the same litter so they can grow up together.
Why is it better to adopt two cats?

If you like kittens and have decided to incorporate one of these animals into your home, consider this suggestion seriously. If your finances allow it, better adopt two cats. We’ll tell you why.

Two cats: the same amount of work, but twice as much joy and affection

Ideally, you adopt two kittens from the same litter so they can grow up together. Anyway, if you already have a kitten and you want to add another to the family, you can do that too by taking some precautionary measures.

Two cats do almost the same job for you but give you twice as much satisfaction. You’ll see.

But the most important thing is that the kittens, which are very sociable animals, although some deny this, grow up happy and have much better characters and behavior.

Find out why two cats are better than one

Two cats - cat and kitten

Among the advantages of adopting two cats instead of one, we can highlight the following:

  • Adaptation. If separating a kitten from its mother and moving it to a new home is traumatic, the impact will be much less if the animal is accompanied by a sibling.
  • Socialization. A kitten that grows up with another of its kind will become less aggressive as it grows up and will get along better with other cats.
  • To play. Having a cat companion is very good. But in addition to the fun of watching two cats play, you will avoid getting bitten or scratched during play if they have a friend of their species.
  • Company. If you spend a lot of time outside , the little animals will accompany each other and thus avoid loneliness or boredom. Not only will they play together, but they’ll sleep together and take care of each other.
  • Physical and mental health. By staying active in their games, they have no risk of becoming obese and they will stay agile and fit. Since they are not alone, they avoid apathy or certain destructive activities.

    Some things to keep in mind when you have more than one meowing friend at home

    Some things to keep in mind when making the decision to adopt more than one cat include:

    • If you have two males, they will get along better when they are neutered. If it’s a couple, keep in mind that even if they’re siblings, they will reproduce. So avoid unwanted litters and sterilize them.
    • If you only have one cat and it is traumatized, old, or sick, it may not be the best idea to have another cat in the family if this happens.
    • Cats don’t know any breeds and don’t see any differences between them. So this topic doesn’t matter with cats.
    • If you are taking in another animal, make sure that it has a similar character and level of activity as the first cat. You will get along better.
    • It is ideal when the new cat is younger, when your kitten is a little shy or insecure. So it can teach the newcomer things and thereby increase their self-esteem.

      Adopt two cats, you will not regret it

      Two cats - cats in the kitchen

      But since nothing is perfect, there are other things you need to consider when considering adopting two cats. For example, the cost of food, veterinary drugs, vaccines, toys, litter, etc. will be doubled.

      But the love, company and the fun we also doubled. Playing with the kittens or just watching them is priceless.

      Therefore, it is better to adopt two cats and if it is not economically a problem, go for it!  They can develop better as cats and live healthier and happier lives.

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