Ecuador: New Laws Against Cruelty To Animals

Proper education is fundamental to preventing animal cruelty and abuse. Even children have to learn to respect animals and treat them accordingly. 
Ecuador: new laws against cruelty to animals

Cruelty to animals is a sad reality around the world. However, with the current means of communication, it is much easier to make the population aware of it and to do something about it. New laws against cruelty to animals are being called for in Ecuador 

Advances and setbacks in the daily fight against cruelty to animals

Animal cruelty to an elephant

We receive daily information about the different types of abuse against animals. But we also get news about various initiatives trying to protect these innocent beings.

Latin America has fertile soil in this regard. Many of the initiatives are launched after terrible events that shock the whole world. At least one can achieve that animal welfare is a relevant topic in different parts of the world. 

In Ecuador, for example, after the fate of the dog Dulce, who apparently fell victim to zoophilia, became known, a national memorial service was held for the animal.

The sad story of Dulce

Dulce was rescued by members of the animal welfare organization Protección Animal Ecuador (PAE) in the La Ecuatoriana district in southern Quito.

When examined by the vets, it became clear that the female’s vaginal and rectal tissues were completely destroyed. The small, older mixed breed dog was starving.

The medics decided to put her to sleep to spare her further suffering.  Medical treatment would have been very painful.

Ecuador will introduce new laws against cruelty to animals

Although laws against cruelty to animals have been included in the  Código Orgánico Integral Penal  , Ecuadorian activists are calling for tougher sanctions and animal welfare laws. Not only domestic animals, but also other animals should be protected by new laws.

The following points should be regulated therein:

  • The use of animals in public shows.
  • The pet shop and its exhibition for sale.
  • Dissection of live animals for research purposes.
  • The protection of wild animals that live in cities.

This initiative also requires that only animals that have already been sterilized be released for sale.

What is the current legal situation?

The new Código Orgánico Integral Penal  deals with the abuse of pets in two of its articles.

Article 249: Punishment of those who, by act or omission, cause harm to pets. 50 to 100 hours of community service.  If the animal dies, the perpetrator is detained for 3 to 7 days.

Article 250:  This is about dog fighting. 

  • The training or participation of dogs in fights and
  • organizing, promoting or planning these illegal activities

is punished with 7-10 days in prison.

If the dogs are mutilated, injured, or die, the sentences are extended from 2 weeks to 1 month.

Education against cruelty to animals is fundamental

Education against cruelty to animals is fundamental

In the Ecuadorian capital and in other cities there are also municipal ordinances against cruelty to animals. But these are not always implemented and not all cities have corresponding regulations.

There is a national regulation on dog ownership, but other animals are not taken into account. However, animal protection has to start much earlier. Proper education is fundamental to preventing animal cruelty and abuse. Even children must learn to respect animals and treat them accordingly.

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