The Ukrainian Levkoy Cat

Due to the fad of so-called hairless cats, the Ukrainian Levkoy cat was created at the beginning of this century.
The Ukrainian Levkoy cat

While there are numerous species of cats and many animals waiting in the shelter to be adopted, new breeds are still being bred. Due to the fad of so-called hairless cats, the Ukrainian Levkoy cat was created at the beginning of this century.

She is a strange and imposing animal, but affectionate, docile and intelligent. In addition, it is ideal for living in the house and adapts very well to small spaces.

A cat of the 21st century

Hairless cats, which in reality have a thin layer of fur that is barely noticeable to us, have recently become popular. Many of these new breeds originated in Russia or in regions that belonged to the former Soviet Union .

The breeder Elena Birjukova crossed specimens of the Don Sphynx – in the photo below – and the Scottish Fold for the Ukrainian Levkoy. Levkoy the First was born in 2004, a hairless-looking kitten with ears that fall forward, thanks to Scottish genes.

Levkoy Ukrainian ancestry

Despite their growing popularity, organizations like the World Cat Federation (WCF) and the International Cat Association (TICA) still do not recognize them as a breed. But she was approved by Russian and Ukrainian breed clubs.

The Ukrainian Levkoy cat: physical characteristics

Taste is debatable and all animals should be loved and valued. If you look closely you will definitely see the beauty of this cat who looks almost alien but is elegant and muscular at the same time. She has wrinkles that form on her obviously thick skin, especially on her stomach, head and neck.

Aside from its lack of fur and large, forward-falling ears, the cat has the following physical characteristics:

  • Size: medium in size
  • Weight: males between four and seven and females between 3.5 and five kilograms.
  • Height: males between 20 and 25 centimeters and females between 18 and 23 centimeters.
  • Colors: gray, black, white, brown.
  • Tail: thin.
  • Feet: long and muscular.
  • Head: wedge-shaped and flattened. The face is angular and her cheekbones are protruding. Some point out that their profile is a bit dog-like.
  • Whiskers: short and slightly curled.
  • Eyes: almond-shaped and light.

An adaptable cat

If you live in a small space, the Ukrainian Levkoy can become your ideal pet  as she is calm but without losing her curiosity. It adapts to small rooms without any problems, even if it doesn’t have a lot of space to play.

Sweet, sociable and extroverted. She tends to love her owner and will very likely chase him around the house. And so this cat reminds us of a dog not just because of its physical aspect.

She is a balanced and stable animal, but it should be noted that the Ukrainian Levkoy does not like to be alone. So, when there are no people around to spend all day with her, it is beneficial to have other pets around her.

Special care for the Ukrainian Levkoy cat

With a life expectancy of nine to 15 years, this cat requires special care due to its thin layer of fur. To maintain your body temperature, she needs a high-calorie and protein-rich diet. Protecting them from the cold with clothing is also a good idea, as can be seen in the next photo.

The Ukrainian Levkoy - care

She must be protected from the cold and the sun must be prevented from irritating and burning her skin. Ask the vet how best to take care of her as, obviously, she is prone to dermatological diseases.

On the other hand, she is a cat who should be bathed at least once a month. This is because your skin gives off an oily substance as protection, but it becomes impregnated with dirt.

Also, keep in mind that while she has almost no hair, she is not a hypoallergenic animal. In fact, allergies are caused by dead cells shed from the epithelium and a substance in their saliva.

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