What Vegetables Can Dogs Be Given?

More and more dog owners are starting to not only cook healthy and fresh for themselves, but also to pamper their animal friends with home-style cooking. 
What vegetables can dogs be given?

Specialized dog foods are generally recommended, but you can also add some variety to your dog’s plate by serving vegetables  every now and  then. Find out today which vegetables are healthy for dogs. 

Vegetables for dogs

The BARF diet is “home cooking” for dogs:  you get fresh food that includes meat, fish and also fruit and vegetables . Most of the ingredients should, however, be cooked.

This form of high-quality nutrition is recommended for all dogs, but it must be taken into account which fruits and vegetables are actually good for a dog. Because not all varieties are really healthy for our fur noses. 

More and more dog owners are starting to not only cook healthy and fresh for themselves, but also to pamper their animal friends with home-style cooking.

Nevertheless, we must not forget that animals have a different stomach and digestive system and that not everything we eat ourselves has to be digestible for them.

Vegetables that are good for dogs

We therefore explain to you which vegetables your dog can and cannot eat.

Vegetables that are good for dogs

If you buy special dog foods, you have surely noticed that they are high in vegetables, which provide them with vitamins and fiber. Here are some strains that you can give it naturally as well:

  • Green beans. They are high in fiber and magnesium, as well as vitamin K. They are an ideal addition to your dog’s diet, especially if he is prone to obesity.
  • Sweet potato. Also known as batata in many countries, the sweet potato is a tuber with a sweet flavor that tastes delicious and provides vitamins B6, C and beta-carotene, an antioxidant that will improve your health and extend your life.
  • Carrots contain vitamin C, melanin, and many other nutrients that are good for your dog. Your dog will like the sweet taste. Raw, this vegetable also protects the teeth.
  • Cucumber. Many dogs love them especially in summer, perhaps because of their high water content. Give your dog something tasty: cucumber with lactose-free natural yogurt. He’s going to lick his mustache.
  • Peas. Like green beans, peas offer many benefits to your pet. They give him vegetable protein, magnesium, fiber and vitamin B2.
  • Spinach. While spinach has been proven to damage dogs’ kidneys, this is only the case when they ingest it in large quantities. In short, if you give your pet a handful of spinach once a month, it won’t do any harm and it will provide them with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Maybe you need to rename him and name him Popeye!
  • Pumpkin. It helps with constipation and tastes pleasantly sweet. Your dog will love these vegetables! It contains important fiber for healthy digestion.

The vegetables that are harmful to dogs

Vegetables that are harmful to dogs

The list of vegetables your dog can eat is almost infinite, but keep in mind that there are some varieties that you must not give him under any circumstances. They are as follows:

  • Onions & Co.  Onions, chives, leeks and other types are dangerous for dogs because they contain thiosulphate, which destroys red and white blood cells and causes anemia which, depending on the severity, can be fatal.
  • Garlic. Like onions and the like, this white tuber contains thiosulfate and can cause palpitations, lethargy, hyperventilation and other ailments.
  • Mushrooms. Dogs do not tolerate all mushrooms that we can digest. So be careful!
  • Tomato.  Tomatoes are not easily digestible for dogs and can cause serious stomach pain.

While natural foods are beneficial for your dog, keep in mind that some foods may not be suitable for them. Take care of your best friend’s health!

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