Your Dog Doesn’t Like Visitors? Check Out These Tips!

Why do some dogs behave so impossibly when visitors come home? What can be done to avoid or even change these behaviors?
Your dog doesn't like visitors?  Check out these tips!

We love our dog, we prefer him for many things. But every time visitors come, we’d like to lock him up .  Why do some dogs behave so impossibly when visitors come home? What can be done to avoid or even change these behaviors?

Why dogs don’t like visitors

No visitors in my area please!

In order to avoid or change a particular behavior, we must first understand what causes it. There are many reasons our dog doesn’t like visitors. We’ll name a few:

You are entering his territory

Dogs are known to be territorial pack animals. It probably wasn’t that easy to convince your dog that you were the leader. But he has accepted it over time and feels comfortable in his turf under your government. But he thinks it is his territory and does not want to leave it to someone else.

When people he doesn’t know come home, he sees them as a threat. You could try to take what was his. So it happens that he could behave aggressively towards a visitor.

Bad Education

But there is also the complete contrast image: dogs that are just too cuddly. The top case is behaving aggressively while this type of dog can get annoying in other ways. When dogs are too clingy, they become more of a nuisance than a joy.

This happens because when they were puppies they weren’t trained well. Nobody taught them what their place is. Puppies are often so cute and cuddly that everyone wants to see and stroke them. But when the dogs grow up that changes. This is especially true if your visitors bring children with them.

If you have allowed your dog to do whatever he wants when there are visitors from the start, then it is very likely that he will continue. He still thinks he’s the cute puppy he was a few months earlier, after all.


Fear of losing your love could be another reason your dog may prefer not to receive visitors.  This is not uncommon behavior, even children do it.

Remember that a dog is just as dependent as a child. If he sees your attention and caresses threatened, then it is most likely that he is reacting aggressively.

His peace

When your dog first came home as a puppy, it probably took him a while to get used to and see your home as a new home. Now his home is a safe haven for him and he wants to enjoy it in peace.

Suddenly strangers burst into his midday nap. They make noise with the doorbell, approach the children too much for his taste when greeting them and talk too much. The dog’s peace is disturbed. Who likes it when someone brings visitors home without warning? Certainly not you either. Take that into account and think again about whether your dog’s behavior might just be logical after all.

How to avoid bad behavior with visitors

Don’t worry, even if you haven’t raised your dog well from puppyhood, there are still some things you can do to keep your dog from acting so shabby when you visit.

Talk to your visitor

We have to remember that we are the stronger in the dog-human relationship. This is because our dog is dependent on us and needs our help. Talk to your guests and ask them not to be fearful. You should stay calm when opening the door and let the dog sniff you first.

Ask them to say something nice to the dog and hold out her hand so he can sniff it. If the dog allows it, you should pet it afterwards.

Ignore the dog

If the dog doesn’t respond to the previous steps and barks or growls, you and your visitors should just ignore them. Of course, you have to make sure beforehand that it doesn’t bite anyone!

Beware of anxious dogs

The dog just doesn't like the visitor.

Frightened dogs are a more difficult case, so we should take extra care with them.  Ask your visitor not to stare the dog in the eye or try to play with it. The dog should be given time to take the first step towards the visitor.

The visitor should allow himself to be sniffed without moving abruptly or raising his voice. It may well be that he will gain the dog’s trust in a matter of minutes.

Above all, we should try not to do anything that further increases the arousal of the animal. Stay calm and patient, so you will achieve that others will be delighted with your dog!

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