“No” To The Seizure Of Pets

In Spain, the tax office has stipulated that pets can be seized if they have a financial value. We explain to you why we are against the attachment of pets.
"No" to the attachment of pets

There always seems to be people who treat animals like objects. Even though there are studies that show that animals have feelings. The feelings we humans develop towards animals are also obvious. Nevertheless, there are people who cannot see animals for what they really are: living beings who sense and have feelings. That is why we are reporting today on the seizure of pets.

In Spain, the tax office has stipulated that pets can be seized if they have a financial value. Ultimately, this is just another motif to encourage mixed breed dog adoption.

 The attachment of pets is allowed

Garnishment?  Without me!

It all started with the case of a man who owed a lot of money to the tax office and didn’t know how to pay. The tax office started garnishing his bank accounts, house, car, furniture, and even his dog! 

It was a pedigree dog that the man had bought. Little did he know at the time that one wins the love of dogs by adopting them, not by buying them.

Well then, the gentleman complained in court that the dog was not an object of his possession, but just another family member. Thereupon the judge ruled in favor of the tax office. Thus, the precedent was set for the attachment of pets.

However, this is not a personal decision. Only pets that have a high financial value, such as pedigree dogs, are subject to the garnishment. According to the law that allows this act, the animals are classified as “movable goods”. So they fall into the same category as furniture!

Undoubtedly, this is a cruel way of treating animals. They are forced to pay the debts of their owners and are separated from their families. Then they are sold to other people and nobody knows what quality of life awaits them in their new situation.

On the other hand, this legal regulation humiliates and harms people who lose a beloved being that is extremely important for their well-being and mental health.

Pets aren’t the only living things to suffer from this new law. Livestock are also affected.

Do animals have feelings?

This question has long been a hot topic. Various studies have shown an imminent truth: yes, animals have feelings.

No attachment of pets!

Since humans are afraid of many animals, he came to the conclusion that the animal is only driven by his instincts. Many people believe that animals do not have the ability to feel. However, for the growing number of people who share their lives with pets, another answer has turned out to be true.

Pets have exhibited different types of emotions over the years of sharing life with humans. The following are the most common:

  • Love. Your pet shows you their love every day, it’s an undeniable fact. It proves his love for you when you come home, when you are sick, when you cry, or when you go out of the house. His expression and gestures say a lot more than the words we could possibly find.
  • Grief. There are many stories about animals that do not want to part with their masters’ tombstones. Isn’t that a way of expressing sadness, love and loyalty at the same time? Are these not feelings?
  • Fear. Animals feel fear. Unfortunately, they feel afraid of us humans. Because of this, wild animals sometimes try to attack us. Make no mistake: it is not we who are afraid of the animals, but the animals are afraid of us.

These are just a few of the feelings our pets show us every day. We haven’t even mentioned their limitless loyalty and sensitivity.

At Your Animals, we never take one side or the other in an argument. But when it comes to protecting animals, we cannot stand idly by. We are against the attachment of pets. You can seize possessions, but an animal is not a possession. An animal is a family member, a friend for life.

What do you think about?

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