I’ll Go With You To The End Of The World

To capture these feelings, we decided to do so in the form of a letter from an owner to his dog. We are sure you will like this letter.
I'll go with you to the end of the world

If you have a dog, you must have thought very carefully about what you should do before adopting it. And we are sure that at no time have you regretted your decision because you have found a loyal friend with whom you can share your life. That is why you would surely say to your dog today: “I will go with you to the end of the world”.

To capture these feelings, we decided to do so in the form of a letter from an owner to his dog. We are sure you will like this letter.

I never thought that I would go to the end of the world with you

With you to the end of the world - dog and owner

Every time I saw a puppy on the street I thought about the idea of ​​adopting one. However, when I became aware of my responsibility, I kept having doubts.

From one day to the next, however, something has changed. You met me It was a rainy day and it made me so sad to see you in the rain. You were too little to be alone.

You were just a puppy, I had never seen you before. But one day, on the way to work, I found you wet and crying from the cold on the street. What kind of person was he that left you alone and helpless?

I couldn’t do it! Without thinking I took off my jacket and wrapped you up to take you home with me. When we got home everything was new to you and you were confused. 

I wasn’t prepared for you and I didn’t have anything for you. No food, no bed, no blanket to sleep on. However, I had no hesitation in sharing what I had with you. I wanted you to feel good …

Little by little I realized that I would go to the end of the world with you

The days passed and we began to trust each other, every day you became more important to me. And you showed me again and again that I became more important to you every day. We started to walk our life path together.

You became part of my life and you made me feel that that day, when I saw you helpless and in need, I had made the right decision. I couldn’t have chosen a better dog and I hope you feel that nobody could have chosen you better than me.

Thank you for everything you have given me, what you give me and what you will continue to give me as long as you live.

Why should you tell your dog “I’ll go with you to the end of the world”

With you to the end of the world - dog on the sofa

Anyone who has a dog can find themselves in this letter because although everyone has their personality and character, dogs share things that make us fall in love with them every day.

  • Empathy. Put yourself in each other’s shoes and do something to improve the situation is one of the predominant traits in dogs.
  • Loyalty. Undoubtedly the predominant property. Dogs will always be loyal, no matter what, and unconditionally, even if they have to put their lives in danger.
  • Friendship. They are unconditional friends. They never cheat on you and are always by your side, even adapting to your hobbies to be your partner.
  • Love. No matter how often you get angry or you scold your four-legged friend, he will always love you.

Remember, if you have a dog, you have a sweetheart. Take care of him the way he deserves it. It’s possible that if you don’t spend enough time with him, you will regret it later. If  your dog could speak, he would also say to you:  “I will go with you to the end of the world”.

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