The Monkey Who Adopted A Street Dog

The friendships between animals of different species don’t stop surprising us. Today’s story is about the friendship between a monkey and a dog in India.
The monkey who adopted a street dog

The friendships between animals of different species don’t stop surprising us. It is the same with the attitude of some who help others. The story we are about to tell you today is full of surprises, loyalty and affection. She will enchant you! Read how a monkey and a dog became more than just friends. The two are a family!

Many say that animals are the better people. That may not always be true, but this monkey  has broken the measure of empathy and solidarity, there is no doubt about that. Do you want to know more about its history? We’ll tell you!

A monkey and a street dog become more than just friends

Monkey adopts street dog

It all happened in India, where a primate lives in one of the parks. Many passers-by and visitors paused to watch him jump from tree to tree. But one day the monkey got even more attention.

Suddenly a new friend appeared: a street dog. It was just a puppy that the monkey adopted as if he were his own son. He goes so far that he is looking for food for the puppy. But he doesn’t eat anything himself until his “adopted son” is well fed.

When other street dogs try to attack the poor pup, the monkey will defend him tooth and nail. Undoubtedly, the monkey sees the dog as his own son. And who would want to convince him otherwise?

He takes him in his arms, he goes for a walk with him, he doesn’t leave him alone for a minute and picks the lice and other parasites out of his fur, like any primate mother would do with her own child.

The puppy also makes no signs that it wants to separate from its “mother”. He knows that she always feeds him well and takes care of him.

Those who witnessed this spectacle describe the relationship between the two as the most loving in the world.

Since the two have appeared in a double pack, the residents of Erode, the village in which they live, have made it their business to provide the two of them with food. The fact that he no longer has to find food for his “son” certainly makes the solidarity monkey much easier. Now he can spend more time looking after and protecting his small family.

With their noble behavior, the animals clearly  teach us what loyalty, friendship and love mean without prejudice and interests.

More special friendships

This is just a small confirmation of the great friendships that can develop between two so different beings. Remember, animals should not be fooled by appearance or breed. They are the masters of hearts and feelings.

Here are a few more examples of some animals that made steadfast friendships despite their differences:

  • Juniper and Moose.  These two are the main characters in a magical story of loyalty and friendship between a dog and a fox. Despite the foul rumors that this friendship is impossible, the pair’s story confirms the opposite. Both were rescued by the same family and became siblings.
  • A cheetah and a dog.  Ruuxa was a baby cheetah that was rejected by its mother. Because of this, she suffered a deep depression. So it came about that its keepers looked for a new friend for the baby to cheer him up. A dog was chosen and the two became inseparable.
  • Duck and dog. A depressed dog found healing through his friendship with a duck that suddenly appeared in his garden.
  • The blind dog and his guide dog. A blind dog was very lucky: he became friends with a guide dog! The two don’t even separate to sleep.

Image sources:, Facebook from Dinamalar

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