Fear Behavior In Dogs

You can take your dog’s fear away, or at least reduce it, through your own behavior. However, you cannot influence involuntary feelings. 
Fear behavior in dogs

Fear is a basic feeling that should enable a quick reaction in threatening situations. But the  fear behavior  can also be pathological in dogs. How can you tell and how can you help the dog?

Read on to find out more on the subject. 

What is fear anyway?

Fear, like joy, sadness or nervousness, is an involuntary feeling that arises in certain situations in order to avert danger. Since it is an unconscious reaction, an animal must not be punished for it. This could make the fear behavior even worse.

However, you can take the dog’s fear away, or at least reduce it, through your own behavior. However, you cannot influence involuntary feelings. 

Fear behavior of a dog

For example, if a dog is afraid of thunderstorms, there is no point in berating him. He needs help in this situation. You should calm him down and offer him protection. However, in the next thunderstorm, the dog will show fear again. 

Fear behavior in dogs

Dogs are afraid and can panic in certain situations. Around half of all four-legged friends react nervously to loud noises  such as thunder, fireworks or gunfire.

Anxiety behavior does not have to be the result of abuse or neglect, but it can have something to do with it. Some abandoned dogs adapt very quickly to a new environment, others are very anxious for a long time. But there are also naturally fearful dogs.

Like humans, the feeling of fear is regulated by the central nervous system, so you can very well imagine how a dog feels, because it is no different from yourself in a fearful situation.

Signs of fear in dogs

Every dog ​​reacts differently, but certain signs are very characteristic. To identify fear, observe the following signs in your dog: 

  • Panting and Drooling:  Dogs often start panting when they are frightened and therefore produce more saliva than normal.
  • Dilated pupils:  When a dog is afraid, the pupils are usually very dilated.
  • Trembling: Many dogs start to tremble, some with little things, others only when they are very afraid.
  • Hyper or hypoactivity:  A frightened dog can be very nervous and hyperactive, but it can also stand motionless and stop taking a step.
  • Retracted Tail: A very clear sign of fear is a retracted tail, but in some breeds, such as the Shiba Inu or Pug, this is not seen because the tail is rolled.
  • Defecation : Many dogs cannot hold back urine or bowel movements in their panic. In some dogs the opposite is true.

As already mentioned, it is not  a conscious decision, but a protective reaction. 

Fear behavior of a dog

This is how you can help your dog overcome fears

The dog’s fearful behavior must not be punished. You have to support your four-legged friend in this situation and calm him down. Some dogs prefer to be alone, others like to be comforted  and seek physical contact with their owners.

Some are looking to be close to people, but do not want to be caressed. Every dog ​​reacts differently, you have to observe for yourself what your dog prefers when it is afraid.

It is important that the dog has a place in the house to which he can withdraw. Remember that you should remain calm yourself so as not to make the situation worse.

Compassion and excessive worry are out of place, however. A calm look, calming words, and distraction can be of great help.

Source reference for cover picture: Canon_Shooter

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