4 Dogs That Followed Hachiko’s Example

Hachiko will always stay in our hearts. Read 4 more stories about dogs with flawless loyalty, selfless love, and eternal devotion.
4 dogs who followed Hachiko's example

Hachiko will always stay in our hearts. He left an example of impeccable fidelity, selfless love and eternal devotion. His story was so emotional that they even made a movie about the life of this special dog.

We want to tell you about other dogs who followed Hachiko’s example . Here are their stories.

Remember Hachiko

Hachiko was a happy dog ​​who lived with his human family and everyone loved him, but he showed a special fondness for his owner, the master of the house.

Ever since he was a puppy he felt his affection, tenderness, hugs and the time he played with him or just took him for a walk.

Every day he accompanied him to the train station, where his master boarded the train that took him to work. For years, Hachiko walked the same route: from the house to the train station with a companion, from the train station home alone and vice versa.

But one day something happened that Hachiko never expected: the owner never came back from work. A heart attack ended its life and the animal did not understand why its owner did not come through the door of the station as always.

Hachiko is waiting at the train station

Hachiko decided to go to the train station every day to find him. He was there day and night, and when his family wanted to take him home, he refused. For 10 years he was in the same place, waiting.

The neighbors and many passers-by gave him something to drink, something to eat and even something to cover up with. An example of absolute loyalty.

Its story impressed the local residents so much that they decided to build a statue for the dog when it died; in front of the same train station where he lived his life, the Shibuya train station in Tokyo.

Some dogs that followed Hachiko’s example

Some have their own name, the names of others are unknown, but they all have something in common: a feeling of loyalty and love, much stronger than that of many people. These are some of the dogs that followed Hachiko’s example.

Hachiko is waiting for its owner

  • Jacinto. This dog, who lives in Puebla, Mexico, was one of the victims of a major earthquake along with his human family. Unfortunately , its owner died during the disaster, and the animal refused to leave the wreckage. But even when all the debris was removed and rebuilt, the animal remained in place every day, yearning to see its owner again.
  • Husky. A husky sat in the waiting room of a hospital in Monterrey, Mexico, and waited for its owner. For days he was alone in this room and had neither food nor water. Although its owner was taken to another hospital, no one seems to have informed the dog and the dog stayed in the hope of being picked up by its owner.
  • Another female dog waited at the door of a hospital for her deceased owner for 14 days. The bitch died exactly where she last saw her beloved friend.
  • Captain. This dog lived on its owner’s grave for 10 years. Although he turned 16 and was ill there, he never left the place in the hope of seeing his best friend again. Unfortunately, this never happened …

    We are moved by the stories of the dogs that followed Hachiko’s footsteps and give us an incredible example of the self-sacrificing love and loyalty that should spur us humans to prove something similar.

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