Signs Of Heartworm Disease In Dogs

While you are taking preventative measures to protect your dog from heartworm disease, you should have your dog checked annually by the vet to make sure he doesn’t have this deadly disease.
Signs of Heartworm Disease in Dogs

Do You Know The Signs Of Heartworm Disease In Dogs ? It is one of the deadliest diseases for pets, which is why there have been several scientific studies on it. Nowadays there are efficient preventive treatments that guarantee the well-being of the animal.

Heartworm disease in dogs is a heart and lung disease caused by the nematode  Dirofilaria immitis  , also known as “heartwum”. This parasite nests primarily in the right ventricle of the heart and in the host’s pulmonary artery. However, in severe cases it can also penetrate other areas of the body.

Heartworm Disease - Dogs

In addition to dogs, cats, wolves, foxes and ferrets can also suffer from this disease. The parasite is transmitted through a vector. These are mosquitoes that belong to the genera AedesAnopheles or Culex  .

After the mosquito has ingested the microfilariae, it then transfers them to the dog with a bite.

Signs of heartworm disease

In the early stages of infection, the animal does not show any obvious signs of heartworm disease . The following symptoms only appear after one or more years:

  • Mild, persistent cough.
  • Reluctance to exercise and exhaustion after moderate activity.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss.
  • Heart failure and a swollen abdomen  due to fluid retention. Both symptoms do not appear until the disease is very advanced.
  • Ultimately, the dying dogs develop what is known as vena cava syndrome. This starts with difficulty breathing, pale gums, blood in the urine and ultimately blockages in the bloodstream that lead to heart collapse.

Do not wait for the signs of heartworm disease, rather use prophylaxis

Even if your dog is receiving appropriate preventative treatment, you should still have him checked for possible infection once a year.

The effectiveness of the drugs against heartworm disease is very high, but the intake must be very consistent. If you miss a single dose, your risk of infection increases.

Dogs with heartworm disease can have up to thirty worms in their hearts. The higher the number of parasites, the more severe the effects of heartworm disease.

The further the disease has progressed and the more signs of heartworm disease there are, the more clearly the veterinarian can diagnose the disease. In addition, he will have to do various tests such as x-rays, sonographs, and various blood tests to confirm an infection.

Preventive action

The high death rate from heartworm disease makes it imperative that you take preventative measures. There are several options for doing this, which can be administered topically, orally, and by syringe. In addition, the treatment must be repeated regularly.

All of these drugs eliminate the immature heartworm larvae. Both the infectious larvae that are transmitted by the mosquito and the more developed larvae are destroyed.

However, when these larvae move from their immature phase to their adult stage after about 51 days , the preventive drugs are no longer effective. This is why it is so important that you strictly follow the veterinarian’s instructions and give your dog the prescribed dose of medication in full and in a timely manner.

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