Atila, Spain’s Best Rescue Dog Is Dead

A country mourns the loss of one of its best rescue dogs
Atila, Spain's best rescue dog, is dead

There are many dogs that leave deep marks and make history for a variety of reasons. Some of them make us laugh in comedies, others serve in the police force or save lives. Our main actor today is the rescue dog  Atila. 

Atila was a ten year old Belgian Shepherd who died of lymphatic cancer in March 2016. A great dog, great friend and full professional in his job has said goodbye to us. Do you want to know more about its history?

Atila, the rescue dog

Rescue dog at leisure

Atila has its roots in France, which is where all of his family come from. In fact, his grandfather was a rescue dog just like him, so Atila already had his profession in his veins.

Atila came to José Manuel Pérez Zarza when he was six months old. From that moment on, he was more than just an ordinary pet. He was his friend, his faithful companion, a full family member and his best work colleague .

Atila started with his owner from the bottom of the rescue dog squadron in the Canary Islands. Atila was very skilled and was soon able to join the National Association of Spain and Germany and the National Civil Defense School of the Ministry of the Interior. In this way he and his master managed to take a place among the best.

Atila became a member of the Disaster Response Group (GIC) of the Spanish School for Rescue and Search Dogs (ESDP). He has also been recognized and recognized by the United Nations (UN) for finding and rescuing people in the event of a disaster.

Part of his training was to find Yeremi Vargas, a boy from Gran Canaria who disappeared 9 years ago. Although it is still unknown where the boy is, Atila has found great clues.

This dog saved the lives of many people when all hope was lost, making it the most valued rescue dog in its field.

The owner of Atila mourns him

Getting up together for ten years and going to work every day … It was undoubtedly a heavy loss for José Manuel, who stressed that Atila was not just a working dog to him, but a full family member and friend.

Rescue dog at leisure

He also says, “ Atila is irreplaceable, I will never find another dog to make the same connection with. Nobody will be able to take their place, even if I have to continue with my work and train another dog. I always do my best. Everything I have experienced and learned with Atila will help me to make the new dog the best dog, after Atila of course ”.

Everyone who knew Atila, including public institutions, rescue comrades and friends, offered condolences to José Manuel. He couldn’t hold back his tears and the pain of losing his friend and partner.

This animal is a role model for all of us: it not only did its job, it saved lives through its love for people and became the best rescue dog through its motivation! 

He is unique and we are all grateful to him for his dedication. At this point we would like to thank all the rescue dogs and their owners for their willingness to take risks and save human lives. They are our heroes in everyday life!

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