Food For Dogs: Price-performance Ratio

The price does not always indicate the quality. The most important thing, however, is that dog food contains all of the necessary nutrients.
Food for dogs: value for money

The many different offers that are available in specialist shops can be quite overwhelming for the first owner or for those who want to change their dog’s diet. In today’s article, we’ll briefly introduce you to the types of dog food that are cheapest without compromising the health of your furry friend.

Dog food: what factors should you consider?

This little list can help you when buying a new dog food:

  • The age of  the animal. Dogs are commonly referred to as puppies until they are one year old. After that they are called adult dogs (1-7 years) and after 8 years they are called older dogs.
  • The breed, or if it cannot be identified, size.  This is quite a factor in determining your dog’s weight. Small dogs weigh an average of 10kg, medium-sized dogs up to 25kg and large dogs even up to 40kg.
  • The daily amount of physical activity.  This affects the metabolism and thus the amount of nutrients the dog needs to survive.
  • The surrounding.  The needs of a Siberian Husky in Norway are not the same as those of a greyhound in Mexico. The calorie consumption is also determined by temperatures and the environment.
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How to properly analyze the attached feed

The Spanish consumer protection organization OCU published a report in 2017 that listed the composition of a good feed. It was explained why the ingredients are so important for the health of our animal.

In order to analyze whether the feed for dogs covers the necessary needs of the animal  , the following key points were listed:

  • The concentration of energy or the number of calories.  It is of course important to know how much food we should give our dog.
  • Carbohydrates  are very common in so-called extruded feeds. This type of dry food goes through a thermal process that uses pressure and moisture to homogenize various nutrients and improve the digestion of the food. Carbohydrates add the necessary fiber for the digestive process. However, some brands use too much carbohydrates,  replacing most of the meat.
  • Proteins. Specifically, we mean the amount and quality of proteins that the dry food contains.  A low quality feed usually uses flours mixed with intestines or powdered bones, plant-based proteins or collagen. It is therefore best to use dog foods that contain fresh or dehydrated meat.
  • Fats.  Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids can help maintain the pH value of the skin and keep your dog’s coat shiny. The quality of the fats is also important to avoid future obesity.
  • Vitamins and minerals.  The feed should also contain a balanced portion and combination that supports the absorption of vitamins. For example, calcium and phosphorus should be combined.
  • The quality of the ingredients  (does the feed contain meat, and if so, in what proportion?) Is also important when it comes to choosing the best feed for dogs.
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Brands: Value for money

The daily cost  of feeding an animal also plays a role. It is of course important that the fur nose’s minimal nutritional needs are met. 

The Stiftung Warentest analyzed dog food in 2016 and came to the conclusion that cheap food is usually better than premium food!

Eighteen dry feeds were checked for nutrient content, pollutants, packaging information and amount of feed. Almost all feeds met the animals’ nutritional requirements. But the  large price differences do not indicate the quality.

Talk to your vet about this important topic too!

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