Tricks To Calm A Nervous Dog

Stroking and good words are often not enough to calm a nervous dog. Read on to see what you can do. 
Tricks to calm a nervous dog

Calming a nervous dog is not always easy. Often four-legged friends do not know how to control their strength and can injure us (while playing) with their claws or their snout.

Petting and good words are often not enough to calm a  nervous dog  . Read on to see what you can do. 

How to calm a nervous dog

A nervous or stressed dog can develop sleep problems and behavior problems. He can also destroy things or react abnormally to stimuli, for example to the noises of a bell or the telephone.

It is usually not a serious problem, but the quality of life of the animal and the owner can suffer as a result. While it is easier to train a puppy dog, even an adult dog can learn new things.

Here are various tips to calm a nervous dog:

calm nervous dog while walking

Causes of the nervousness

The first thing to do is find out why the animal is so nervous. There are three reasons a dog can be like this: genetics, environment, or upbringing.

A dog’s hyperactivity can be genetic. In this case, it is extremely difficult to solve the problem. The veterinarian must decide whether medical treatment can help. 

You should definitely have your dog checked by a veterinarian to determine the exact causes of the nervous behavior.

If the animal is alone for a long time, it may get particularly nervous when you finally get home. The environment or the dog’s situation is the trigger for the nervousness.

If a wrong upbringing is the cause, one should keep in mind that one may even subconsciously feed the nervousness. If the dog becomes extremely nervous with joy and you respond to it, this behavior will be further strengthened.

The dog believes that this makes you happy and that he can get his way through it.

Sedentary lifestyle

A stressed dog needs to be able to deflate, let off steam and release adrenaline. What could be better than exercise.

A balanced dog needs a healthy dose of exercise every day, a stressed animal, on the other hand, needs a lot more. A tired dog sleeps more, more relaxed and longer and will wake up much calmer.

Games that make you nervous

Some games make animals nervous, especially around the house. You want your dog to run after a ball outdoors and let off steam, but you should play quiet games with him indoors.

You can let a ball roll a short distance, but you shouldn’t add to the dog’s nervousness by playing wildly around the house.

A dog trainer can help you!

Dog trainers know how to calm nervous dogs down. If all attempts fail, you should seek help,  especially if the dog is older than 1 year and is still wild and nervous. 

Family calmed a nervous dog

The whole family has to help

If your dog is nervous, it is particularly important that the whole family agree and that all members treat the dog equally. If everyone treats the dog differently, it will become confused and only more nervous. Logically there will be no improvement.

For this reason, rules must be established for walks, games and cuddling times. Everyone should know when, what, and how to do it, so that everything runs like clockwork.

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