How Do I Find The Best Dog Sitter?

As much as we love our pets, there are times when our work or schedules prevent us from being with them. Find out today what you should look out for to find the best dog sitter for your four-legged friend!
How do I find the best dog sitter?

How do I find the best dog sitter for my dog? If this is the question you’re asking yourself, don’t miss out on the following tips.

As much as we love our pets, there are times when our jobs and schedules prevent us from being with them.

More and more dog owners are turning to the services of a professional instead of taking their pets to a specialized guesthouse. Today we’re going to tell you how to choose the best dog sitter for your dog.

How can I check if the future dog sitter is qualified?

The dog sitter business is growing all the time. However, there is no regulatory organization that prescribes the minimum knowledge a professional dog sitter should have.

If a person spends several hours a day with your pet, loving dogs is not the only requirement you should make of them.

In some ways, a dog sitter is also a trainer. He needs to know how to protect and control an animal that does not belong to him.

The American Kennel Club recommends reaching out to the veterinarian to find potential dog sitters who have the necessary knowledge.

To go for a walk

The most important questions to find the best dog sitter for your dog

Given the lack of regulation in the dog sitter world, we’ve compiled a list of the basic questions you should ask in order to find the best dog sitter for your dog:

1. What knowledge do you have about animals?

It is important that someone who works with animals knows the animal’s body language, the aetiology of a dog or cat (the science that studies the behavior of animals, in this case cats or dogs).

In addition, he should also know the natural learning processes of the species with which he is dealing.

A person with this knowledge knows specific training methods and can solve problems such as ending fights or situations in which the animal is lost.

2. How many dogs do you walk with at the same time?

It is important to know how many dogs the dog sitter is walking with at the same time. You can also tell from this whether it is a reputable specialist or not.

In some cities, a maximum number of dogs that can be moved in public spaces at the same time is regulated. The vast majority, however, have no such guidelines or controls.

The more dogs that are cared for at the same time, the greater the risk of fighting or losing a dog.

3. Do you have knowledge of animal first aid?

Dog on leash

When we hire a person to look after our dog, it is imperative that they have first aid skills for animals. Even if your dog has a microchip and can be identified at any time, there are situations where quick action can save a life.

4. What kind of vehicle do you use to transport the dogs?

The type of vehicle in which the person transports the dogs is often another indicator of the seriousness of the dog sitter.

Anyone with a little knowledge of animals knows how dangerous it is to leave a dog in the car on a hot day.

The ideal transport vehicle is spacious, has a good ventilation system and all doors also close with a child-proof safety system.

We hope these tips and questions will help you find the right person to entrust your pet to. Much luck!

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