What To Do If You Find A Chick?

You first have to find out what kind of animal it is and what condition the bird is in. It’s best to take the bird chick to the local animal shelter. 
What to do if you find a chick

In spring it often happens that a  chick is  careless and falls out of its nest. So the question arises, what exactly can you do when you find a little bird to save it? 

In what condition is the chick?

First you should examine the little feathered animal:  if it doesn’t have any feathers, it needs help. However, if the bird already has feathers, it is likely to be making its first attempts at flight.

Even if the little animal falls out of the nest, it will normally continue to be fed and looked after by its parents, but the problem arises when the  chick,  impatient or anxious, sets off and moves away from the nest.

Your first thought might be to take the little bird home and look after it, but  that’s a big mistake that can be fatal. 

If the animal is injured, it is  best to notify the nearest animal shelter. Many animal shelters have bird stations that care for injured wild birds. It would be best if an animal expert could pick up the bird.

Chicks with no feathers on the ground – what can I do?

If you find a healthy bird on the ground,  leave it in its natural habitat. If the chick has no feathers yet, you can try to find its nest because it cannot fly itself and the nest is very likely to be nearby.

little chicks

When you find the nest, you can put the feathered animal in it. If not, you can build a small nest yourself and put it on a tree to protect the bird. 

Chicks with feathers on the ground – what to do?

If the little bird already has feathers, but is still very small,  then it is probably just making its first attempts at flight and is still being looked after by its parents. 

In this case, it’s best not to do anything unless the feathered animal is in a dangerous place, such as the street or a place where there are cats. In this case you are looking for a safe place for the chick, where it can be seen by the parents if possible. 

Common Swift

Common swifts are very similar to swallows. They have very large wings in relation to their body. These birds feed and sleep in flight and spend months in the air without sitting down.


Common swifts are unable to survive on the ground. If they are hit and fall to the ground, they are often unable to fly away again.

If there is no animal shelter nearby that can take care of injured birds, you can take the animal home with you, but this is the last option. You need to know what species of bird it is in order to properly feed the chick. Most birds eat insects. Under no circumstances should you give the bird milk or bread! As soon as the animal has recovered, you should release it.

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