Why Your Dog Rejects Those Who Are Bad To You

Dogs notice when someone is sad or happy. It has been proven that your dog will reject those who are rude to you.
Why your dog rejects those who are bad to you

Dogs have a reputation for being very intuitive. This is why a  dog often turns away those who are up to no good. It has been proven that they notice when people around them are sad or happy. They are very grateful and do not forget anyone who treated them well.

It is also common for dogs to oppose those who treat their owner badly. Therefore, it is not surprising if your dog rejects those who are uncomfortable to you. How do you get this information?

Many of the families who adopt a dog affirm that their pet is able to see bad energies in people. They even claim that the animals “try to warn” about dishonest behavior. The “good press” the dogs got in Hollywood and in literature also contributed.

The experiments carried out

To confirm these claims, research into dog behavior began a few years ago at the University of Kyoto. The aim of the study was to determine the behavior of different specimens towards people.

For the experiment, 54 dogs were divided into three groups. The first group of animals should accept food from people who previously refused to help their owner. You could also choose to eat from a bowl set down by a stranger who had no direct contact with the owner.

A second group had to choose between a bowl that was made by someone who was obviously helping the owner of the animal, and another that was put down by an unknown and neutral person.

It has been proven that your dog will reject those who are unkind.

On the other hand, the third group of dogs was served by two strangers who had no contact with the pet or their owner. All dogs passed these three tests.

The result

Of the 54 dogs assessed, only one ate from the bowl set down by someone who talkatively decided not to help its owner, while none of the dogs showed a clear preference between “neutral strangers” and those helping their owners.

The result of the experiments showed that the dogs do not go according to their own interests.  They are able to identify and reject those who dislike human members of their herd.

It has been proven that your dog will turn away those who are unkind

As we can see, the dog is proven to repel those who are unkind with their owners. It is also increasingly reported that dogs do not forget those who once looked after them.

Most surprised are those who, after a long period of absence , have been greeted with exuberant affection by the dogs,  no matter how much the people have changed during the absence.

Question of good vibration?

The experts assure that, in addition to being able to recognize bad intentions, dogs are also very good at reading body language. They also suggest that dogs holistically evaluate and judge people based on their behavior and movement.

Therefore, it is not surprising if your dog rejects those who are uncomfortable for you.

The origin of this type of communication lies in the way these mammals interact with one another. The dogs did nothing else than transfer their “social laws” to living with humans.

This pattern becomes apparent when observing the behavior of the wild herds. Dogs expel or banish those who do not participate in the hunt from the herd; this also applies to those who are constantly aggressive. In summary: Lazy or violent dogs are “socially” sorted out.

What else do dogs perceive of people?

After a close relationship spanning more than 15,000 years , these pets know all about humans. The analyzes they do go way beyond rejecting unpleasant people. They don’t just recognize feelings of sadness, joy, or loneliness.

The dogs clearly perceive stress and fear. So much so that it shows in their behavior. Uncontrolled barking for no apparent reason, for example, could be the result.

Dogs can also indicate physical or emotional distress from their owners.  They also recognize clinical pictures such as cancer, diabetes or depression.

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