Dog Walk In The Rain

Some dogs like rain, others are not enthusiastic about it, it all depends on the dog’s character.
Dog walk in the rain

Dogs can endure for a while without long walks, but bad weather shouldn’t spoil your mood immediately. A  dog walk  can be healthy and refreshing even when it rains!

Long or short, the dog definitely has to get out of the house every day to do his business and to have enough exercise. Some dogs like rain, others are not enthusiastic about it, it all depends on the dog’s character. Some dogs even develop stress or anger in bad weather. 

But the  dog walk  is also important when it rains. Some dogs get restless if they can’t be out of the house all day. However, various measures can make it easier for you to walk in bad weather.

Dog walk even in the rain

Dog walking tips for rainy days

The dog should find the walk pleasant even on rainy days in order to prevent undesirable behavior. Breeders recommend not to protect the animals too much, but also not to force a dog for a walk.

But there are a few strategies that can be very helpful:

  • Choose the best route:  If your dog doesn’t like getting wet, it pays to plan the route under roofs or trees if possible. It is best not to choose a subsurface so that your fur nose does not get so dirty.
  • positive reinforcement  with a dog biscuit will make the experience for your four-legged friends more enjoyable. Give him the reward at the end of the walk if the dog shows good behavior.
  • Set a good example:  if the dog doesn’t like rain, calm him down and show him that a walk in the rain can also be fun. You have to learn to enjoy every situation!
  • Don’t just leave your dog out in the rain while you sit in the warm, dry house yourself!
  • After the walk, you should dry off your  dog well. Prepare a towel next to the door before you go outside. Especially dry your paws, where a lot of water will accumulate.
  • If it rains longer and often, you can bathe your dog less often. Some breeds take a long time to dry out. If it is cold, the dog can catch a cold. You can use special dry soap.

Dog walk in the rain: dry the dog well afterwards

Raincoat for dog walks

Most dogs have a thick, repellent coat and a protective layer of fat and are therefore excellently prepared for bad weather. In addition, a raincoat can protect your four-legged friend from rain, wind and cold. 

There are many different models and designs.

  • A waterproof rain jacket should be breathable and comfortable  so that the dog can move around easily. You can use it to protect your nose from getting cold. You can also use it to prevent the typical unpleasant smell that a wet dog gives off.
  • Most rain jackets can easily be put on the animal and fastened with a Velcro fastener. They usually also have light strips so that the four-legged friend is more visible.
  • There is a paw protection for the dog’s paws that keeps out the cold and moisture. Many dogs are not enthusiastic about it and try to take off these dog shoes, which are made of plastic and neoprene. You have to get them used to it first, but paw protection is usually only necessary in extreme conditions.
  • There are also rain hats for dogs that  keep the water out of their eyes. They are similar to fishermen’s rain hats and are sold in different colors and designs (made of latex or plastic).
  • In a covered bicycle trailer, the dog is also protected in the rain, but then he has no exercise or movement himself.
  • There is also a dog umbrella that can be easily attached to the dog harness.

Diseases that dogs can develop in bad weather

A walk with your dog in the rain shouldn’t have any negative consequences. If the dog is vaccinated, well fed and in good health, the rain must not affect it negatively. However, older dogs or puppies could develop illnesses if not careful.

  • If it is very cold and staying in the fresh air for too long, it  could lead to pneumonia. Inflammation of the upper or lower airways can be very uncomfortable for a dog.
  • The four-legged friend could also injure their paws. Although they look robust, they cannot withstand any surface. In particular, the water between the paws could lead to fungal infections or irritation.
  • Knots in the hair can arise especially if it is a longhaired animal. Contact with the water promotes matting, so you should brush your dog regularly.
  • Another consequence could be  skin diseases that can develop when the natural protective layer on the skin is damaged by the water. As a result, the skin can dry out.

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