A Dog Rescues Itself From Euthanasia

Today we tell you the story of a collie who managed to save himself from euthanasia at the last second. A small, rare miracle.
A dog saves itself from euthanasia

When an animal comes home for the first time, it gets used to its family very quickly and becomes part of it. That is why  there is nothing more painful for animal lovers than having to release an animal from its suffering through euthanasia.

Today we tell you the story of a collie who managed to save himself from euthanasia at the last second. A small, rare miracle.

Let Ollie the Shepherd Dog surprise you. We’ll tell you why euthanasia was planned and how this clever dog was able to save himself from it. 

Ollie’s fate: euthanasia

Ollie is ten years old and lives with his owners Al and Joelie Meteney in Portland, USA. Like most dogs, Ollie is happy and loves daily walks in the park, games, and trips with his beloved owners.

Ollie leads a normal, happy dog ​​life. His master stows a few things in the car and Ollie waits to be called. He hears his name and is looking forward to a trip!

The trip took us to Oregon, a  beautiful place with lots of nature … perfect for Ollie! 

After the excursion

Ollie was having fun with his family, but when they got home after the excursion, the nightmare began.

The dog could no longer move properly,  at first it looked like sore muscles, but this could not be the case. Not only did he find it difficult to walk, but also to eat, and new complaints came along every day.

Feeding took place with great difficulty and the dog owners had the collie examined by a veterinarian. The results of urine and blood samples and other tests were disappointing.

No specific illness could be identified, but Ollie’s health continued to deteriorate. He was able to eat a little better now, but he could no longer move.

When the Meteneys returned to the vet, he made it clear to them: the dog has to be euthanized.  The dog should not suffer unnecessarily, euthanasia is best.

It was heartbreaking news for the family, heartbroken, but it seemed like the only solution.

The fateful day of euthanasia

Collie before euthanasia

The owners of Ollie drove to the clinic in resignation, trying to accept that they would never see their dog again. The medical team was ready. It was a sad picture, the family was crying and the nurses needed their help.

A nurse tenderly said goodbye to Ollie and discovered a strange bump behind the animal’s ear. 

She found blood stains and discovered a tick that had probably been around for some time! She fed on the dog’s blood and the dog subsequently suffered from a disturbed nervous system.

The doctors offered the family a new solution: remove the tick and watch the animal for three days to see if it recovered. In rare cases, ticks can lead to paralysis.

It didn’t take Ollie three days! After a few hours he was recovered and was able to go home to his family that evening. On the same day he was like new and wanted

He recovered the same day and he jumped up and scratched the door to pee as usual.

Get your pet to be thoroughly analyzed and tested when they are sick. It can be a rare occurrence and you may be able to save your pet’s life.

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