Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth – Tips And Information

An organism’s health begins in the mouth, so brushing your pet’s teeth is of great importance. Find out everything you need to know about this topic.
Brushing your pet's teeth - tips and information

Oral hygiene should be part of daily care. Here also should  brushing the pet  not be forgotten. Because it is fundamental to your animal friend’s health. If you don’t care for your pet properly, it can suffer badly, especially as it ages.

So today we’re going to explain to you how brushing your  pet’s teeth  works best. There is a wide range of brushes and conditioners available. Read on to learn what you need and how best to do your teeth brushing.

Why is it necessary to brush your pet’s teeth?

Physical health begins in the mouth, even in animals!  Illnesses are closely related to nutrition, hygiene and care.

With the right oral hygiene, you can prevent many ailments. But that’s not always that easy, because the animal may not like it when its teeth are brushed. However, if the hygiene is inadequate, periodontitis quickly develops and can be very painful.

You should  therefore brush your pet’s teeth every day! 

Veterinarians estimate that 85% of dogs have periodontal disease over the age of five. This occurs when food particles and bacteria build up on the teeth and plaque builds up.

Mouth care for a cat and a dog is similar, but there are differences in the way you brush your teeth and the brushes you use. Then you will learn more about the topic.

Brushing teeth on pets: dog

Brushing your dog’s teeth

Neglecting to take care of a dog’s teeth can lead to very serious illness and even tooth loss. Infection can cause severe pain, so, as always, prevention is the best medicine.

There are numerous products and different types of brushes that can make your job easier. It is best to seek advice from a specialist retailer.

  • Get your dog used to brushing teeth from an early age.  Otherwise, the daily procedure can be very exhausting.
  • Let him taste the toothpaste taste with his finger.  Your fur nose has to get used to it slowly.
  • Begin brushing gently on the canine and front incisors. The best thing to do is to move slowly towards the molars, being careful not to injure the animal’s gums to avoid pain or even bleeding.
  • Wash off the remains with plenty of water. Simple, isn’t it?

Brushing the cat’s teeth

Cats are known to be very clean animals that do not depend on human care. Most of this is correct, but teeth should still be brushed.

Brushing teeth on pets: cat

In cats , bacterial plaque is very likely to form on their teeth, resulting in a bad odor and a build-up of bacteria that can damage the animal’s mouth. This can be yellow or even black, which has a great visual impact.

For dental care, pet stores offer brushes that adapt to the fingertips for more precision and ease. The animal should be used to it from an early age to avoid unexpected scratching and biting.

  • Wrap the cat in a towel so it doesn’t scratch you. You have to hold on to her while doing this.
  • First clean her teeth gently and slowly with a gauze bandage so that she does not stand up.
  • Then use the toothbrush from front to back.  Do this gently!
  • Do this process twice a week.

As you can see, brushing your pet’s teeth is easy, but you have to teach your pet to behave well while doing it! If you also want to help clean his mouth, you can buy him appropriate snacks!

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