Five Tips For Caring For Small Pedigree Dogs

Not all animals need the same care. Today we will inform you about the special needs that small pedigree dogs have.
Five care tips for small pedigree dogs

When we choose to introduce a pet into our lives, we also know that we must take care of all aspects of their well-being. However, as we have already explained, not all animals need the same care. Today we will inform you about the special needs that small pedigree dogs have.

1. The best protection against extreme temperatures for small pedigree dogs

Small pedigree dogs need special care

It is known that the dog’s coat functions like a thermal regulator in both cold and heat. But small pedigree dogs do not have particularly thick fur, which is why they can quickly lose temperature . This is because they are so small and their fat layer is also usually thinner than that of larger dogs. It is worth noting that  hypothermia often occurs in animals weighing less than 2 kg. 

This is why it is particularly important that your dog wears the right clothing, especially when he goes out on the street. But you shouldn’t just protect it from low temperatures. Weather factors such as wind, rain or moisture can also make your four-pawed friend feel even more cold than the thermometer indicates.

2. Diet

A small dog’s metabolism happens at a faster pace. This happens in part because, as already mentioned, the dog has to go to extra lengths to maintain its body temperature. That’s why he has to eat more often and consume more calories.

There is a wide range of ready-to-use foods specially made for small pedigree dogs. Not only does it cover the needs of our loved ones, but it also takes into account the size of the snout. The smaller croquettes make digestion easier and at the same time ensure dental hygiene.

Ask your vet how best to keep your dog balanced. If you decide to offer him homemade food, do plenty of research beforehand about the elements that make up a healthy dog ​​diet.

3rd set of teeth

Some small breeds of dogs can suffer from increased wear and tear on their teeth, which can be seen from the age of three.  Signs that you should pay attention to include the following:

  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding gums
  • Your dog will not have his snout examined because he feels pain.

Regular tooth brushing is therefore a fundamental tool in maintaining the dog’s dental hygiene. Get advice from an expert who will explain to you how to brush dog’s teeth and which products are best to use. Aside from brushing, you should also plan for regular routine examinations and cleaning by the vet.

Also, if you feed your dog a size-appropriate food and give him dental care snacks from time to time as a reward, it will also help with dental care and tartar removal. There are also toys with a specific design that help remove bacterial plaque.


4. Claws

While claw trimming is part of normal dog grooming, it is still an issue that should be addressed with special attention. Small pedigree dogs often need their nails trimmed because they have less opportunity to trim their nails naturally than their larger relatives.

This mainly happens because they spend more time indoors. There aren’t enough opportunities to sharpen the claws as they would if they were more active in the fresh air. Apart from that, their low body weight is not of great help in grinding their claws.

To avoid excessively long claws making it difficult for your dog to move, you should trim them regularly. If you are concerned that you may harm your dog, or if you are unsure about this issue, seek help from a veterinarian.

5th heart

Veterinarian takes care of small pedigree dogs

About 60 percent of all small pedigree dogs have problems with their heart valves, which is why this organ becomes weaker over the years and no longer pumps enough blood.

These problems increasingly occur after the age of ten.

Paying attention to symptoms such as excessive wheezing and getting regular checkups can help prevent these heart diseases in your pet.

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