A Feast For The Dog

Dogs sometimes get tired of always eating the same thing. In their case it is mostly dry food. That’s why you can offer them delicious and healthy homemade food every now and then.
A feast for the dog

Dogs and humans have something in common: they are social beings. They both like to interact with their fellow dogs. Therefore, a feast for the dog is also appropriate now and then.

After all, he has the right to celebrate his birthday or another family celebration!

The animal’s taste will guide you in choosing the right recipe.

You want to prepare a tasty dish with lots of nutrients and minerals. It must not contain sugar, too much fat or carbohydrates. Remember that the health of your fur nose is very dependent on its diet.

The diversity makes up the good taste

It doesn’t have to be a special day to prepare a feast for the dog  .

Many dog ​​trainers assure that  our fur noses have earned a treat every now and then. 

Serving them the same thing over and over again will eventually bore them and even reduce their appetite.

Which foods are best to combine? We recommend veal, carrots, peas, fish, spaghetti, rice, artichokes and apples, among other things

With this we can cover about a third of their nutritional needs. The rest should be good quality dry food.

BARF method of feeding dogs

When in doubt, the best thing to do is to contact the veterinarian. Due to the dog’s age or physical condition, he may not be able to consume certain products.

There are also foods such as onions or chocolate that are absolutely forbidden.

General tips for preparing a celebratory meal for your dog

If it is actually your fur nose’s birthday,  you have to make an effort to give them a festive meal.

If you then invite his friends over to enjoy this new menu, he will surely be delighted.

Of course, every dog ​​owner has to take care of his four-pawed friend when it comes to serving. Otherwise there could possibly be arguments.

Two hours will be enough for him. This is because dogs are not alert for a particularly long time.

It is best to choose a large garden or park for the birthday party. Any place outdoors is sure to please the fur-nosed friends.

The number of furry guests, their size, and the time of year will all help you make the best choice.

A feast for the dog

For the birthday party, the celebratory meal for the dog can consist of snacks, pies, bones, treats and dog biscuits.

However, if you only want to break the monotony of the feed once, then you can also prepare delicious and healthy dishes. Keep in mind their preferred ingredients and your veterinarian’s recommendations.

Homemade dog biscuits

Meat biscuits to share


  • A portion of meat
  • 200 grams of whole wheat flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • An egg
  • Half a cup of hot water


  1. First mix the ingredients  in a container and add the hot water as well.
  2. When the temperature has cooled down a bit, you can then mix the ingredients into a batter.
  3. Then make several balls, roll them out and finally shape them into dog biscuits.
  4. Now it’s time  to cook the biscuits in the preheated oven (180 degrees) for 20 minutes.
  5. Finally, when you notice they’re baked, take them out of the oven and let them cool.

Dog biscuits from the microwave


  • 100 grams of whole wheat flour
  • 100 grams of oatmeal
  • 200 grams of chicken or veal (the meat must not contain bones or fat)
  • 1 egg so that the mixture holds together better


  1. Beat the egg first. Then add the meat in small pieces.
  2. Now add the flour and oatmeal to the mixture as well. Stir everything well with a wooden spoon. This way, there are no lumps.
  3. Then shape the dog biscuits, then put them in the microwave.  We recommend that you cover them so that they don’t lose all of their moisture and stay juicy.
  4. Let the cookies cook for six minutes. Extend the cooking time if you feel necessary.

Delicious dog biscuits made from fish and asparagus


  • Fish without bones
  • asparagus
  • egg
  • carrot
  • zucchini
  • Mushrooms


  1. First, fry the fish and let it drain.  If you prefer it to be less fat for your dog, you can also cook the fish in the microwave.
  2. Then put a splash of oil in a non-stick pan and fry the zucchini and mushrooms. Then the fish is added to the mixture.
  3. Now beat the egg together with the pinch of salt and  add these ingredients to the mixture.
  4. Now add the asparagus and the sliced ​​carrots.
  5. Cook everything for another two or three minutes.  Let this delicious dog biscuit cool down before you serve it to the dog for a feast.

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