Snake In The Garden: How Do You Behave?

These reptiles are harmless. They won’t attack unless we corner them or step on them. Most of the time, they flee from people.
Snake in the garden: how to behave

Most animals are more active in spring, especially some reptiles such as snakes. Therefore it can happen that you come across a snake in the garden or even in the house.

Sometimes snakes get stuck in man-made structures such as swimming pools or ponds. So it happens that when we meet a snake in the garden , it often needs our help. So fear is neither appropriate nor necessary.

Snakes are usually not really dangerous for humans, so we should treat these protected animals with a lot of caution and respect.

What do I do with a snake in the garden?

First of all, it must be emphasized that it is important to remain calm. It is advisable to move with caution.

Even if the snake in the garden is not dangerous, its senses are much more sensitive than ours. The vibrations generated by our steps could startle them.

If you find a snake in the garden, you should watch it carefully and know where it is. It is less about whether it is poisonous or not. They should be checked so that they can be picked up if necessary or the animal welfare association can be notified.

Snake in the grass

Identify a snake in the garden

There are six different types of snakes in Germany, but these have become very rare. However, you should be able to identify them. It is especially important to be able to differentiate between adders and vipers, as the latter are poisonous.

The herpetology groups on social networks usually respond very quickly. However, one should rely on the judgment of several people before approaching the animal.

Who do I call if I find a snake in the garden?

It is best to call a herpetology association or the conservation officer in your area. If this doesn’t work and you’re sure the animal isn’t poisonous, you can try to save it yourself.

If an animal or conservation association answers, watch the snake until help arrives. If you have to save the snake yourself, approach it with a bucket or a box and direct it in the right direction with a stick.

Blue snake

Once we have caught them, we can release them again in the field or forest.

Snake in the garden: protected species

We need to prepare for the fact that snakes are shy creatures and usually flee from humans. They only attack when they feel threatened or cornered, such as when we step on them, for example.

In addition, snakes are protected animals in Germany and you should never intentionally disturb them.

Unfortunately, snakes still cause anxiety in many people. It is the human being who destroys the snake’s habitat and thus represents the real problem.

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