How Can I Teach My Dog ​​to Call Back?

Many dog ​​owners admit that they don’t know how to call their dog back at home, in the park, or at the vet for example. To achieve this goal, you have to know how to get the dog to leave everything else, even when he’s having fun. 

Would you like your dog to always follow you when you  call back  ? Then you should read this article because you will find useful tips here to give your dog the command “Come!” to teach. In this way you can ensure that he always comes back to you when you want to leave or when, for example, an unpleasant situation arises. 

How can you train a dog to recall?

Many dog ​​owners admit that they don’t know how to call their dog back at home, in the park, or at the vet for example. To achieve this goal, you have to know how to get the dog to leave everything else, even when he’s having fun.

That seems like an interesting challenge. You may think that doing this has to sound serious and convincing, like the dog did something bad. But what is the best way to get your four-legged friend to come when its owner calls him?

A dog understands simple commands and always displays the same patterns of behavior:  action and reaction.

  • He understands that his owner is calling him in an angry voice and knows that he has done something wrong.
  • He also feels when the tone of voice is gentle and the dog owner has something good in store for him. Then of course he comes immediately.

How can I ensure that my dog ​​always responds to the callback?

You have already seen from the previous examples how you can best achieve your goal. What you shouldn’t do, because your dog won’t like it, are the following habits:

1. Call the four-legged friend with an annoyed tone

Who wants to leave everything where it is when someone calls out in an angry voice and you can expect a reproach to follow? You would also find it difficult to answer the call. Imagine this situation in your office: If your boss yells at you angrily every time that you have taken too long to write a report, would you still like to go to work? Your loyal companion feels the same way! 

2. Call him only when you want to go home

If you go to the park with your four-pawed friend and he is having fun with other dogs, maybe even off the leash, he will certainly not enjoy it when you call him. For your four-legged friend, this only means that he has to go back to loneliness and boredom.

To prevent this situation, you should call your furry friend back from time to time during the walk to praise them or give the pet a toy.

3. Repeated callback

If you call your dog with “come” or with his name and he has not obeyed after a few seconds, do not call him again. Give your furball some time to analyze your words and react. With practice, he’ll come back to your side faster and faster, without you having to repeat your command.

4. Challenge him if he doesn’t respond immediately

Once your dog is by your side again, praise him for coming. Don’t blame him for taking some time, or he’ll associate the recall with a penalty. Then the next time he will surely come only very reluctantly.

Then we’ll give you some very positive tips to properly execute the recall and teach your dog to listen to your command:

1. Give him a reward

The dog reward system works excellently. So if your dog obeys and follows your call back, you can simply reward them for it. It doesn’t have to be food or a toy. You can just stroke the fur nose and say something positive.

2. Train your dog for the recall in the game as well

Calling back shouldn’t always be a simple command, it’s best to incorporate it into games with your dog. For example, hide behind a tree, a piece of furniture or in the yard and call his name so he can find you.

Even  if the animal is in danger, it should not feel that it is being challenged  or it will not obey. For example, if you don’t want your most loyal friend and companion to cross the street without your consent, you can gently call them back so they can stay by your side without being startled or dangerous to cross the street.

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