Everything About The Pinscher And His Relatives

Find out everything about the Pinscher, an elegant dog and a dog breed with a long tradition and some famous relatives!
Everything about the pinscher and his relatives

The pinscher was originally bred as a farm guard dog.  Nowadays his “function” is mainly to be a pet. In this article you will learn everything about the Pinscher, a German dog breed that stands out for its elegance and demeanor.

Origins of the pinscher

The word Pinscher comes from the German and means something like “bite him”. The name was later taken from the English word “pinch”, which refers to the clipped ears. These are drawn in to avoid bites from other animals. The German Pinscher, a widespread breed of dog,  is a close relative of the Schnauzer, and its origins can be traced back to the 15th century.

At that time it was used by Bavarian farmers to fight rodents and other pests on their farms. This is why  many people believe that the black terrier is an ancestor of the pinscher. Other studies suggest that the rat pinscher is one of the ancestors, a breed of dog that is already extinct.

After the Second World War, the pinscher almost disappeared. Thanks to a man named Werner Jung, it still exists to this day. Other well-known breeds, such as the Miniature Pinscher or the Doberman, have also emerged from the German Pinscher. Even if they are viewed by many as elegant and attractive animals, the German Pinscher has never surpassed the popularity of its two offspring.

All About the Pinscher: Features of the Pinscher

This breed of dog is medium in size and can grow up to 50 cm tall and 20 kg in weight (adult males). She has a proud step and strong muscles, a slender head, with an elongated muzzle. Pinschers have slightly folded, drooping ears. Normally, when the animals are young, the ears are clipped and the tail docked.

Its fur is short and rough, mostly brown, black or brownish.
The dog’s abdomen and chest are reddish in color.

Everything about the pinscher, both watchdog and loyal companion

The pinscher is a companion dog these days. It is also suitable for keeping vermin and small rodents at bay, even if it is not a hunting dog. Due to its size, the Pinscher can be kept in a city apartment without any problems. However, he needs daily exercise and activity.

Even if he is not as imposing as a Doberman, the pinscher also works very well as a guard dog. He is not afraid to defend his territory or property but he always remains loyal to his owner and does not develop any territorial behavior towards masters or mistresses.

Behavior and care

Pinschers are very intelligent, confident, and lively dogs. They get along well with the whole family, even if they end up choosing a “favorite”. This person becomes their master, whom they respect and whom they allow to play with or to pet. The pinscher may need a lot of attention from his “chosen one” or he may be possessive.

Pinschers are always on the lookout for strangers. When walking in the park, a pinscher must wear a muzzle, as he can start arguing with other dogs.

Its short, sleek coat doesn’t require much grooming. All you have to do is brush it regularly (once a week) to remove loose hair. It is very important for this dog to be outside often in order to live out its immense energy.

It can be enough to let the pinscher run in open terrain, provided he does not get lost. Pinschers are the ideal companion for training enthusiasts! You can run along with many exercise routines, such as jogging or cycling.

If they don’t get enough exercise, pinschers destroy everything they can get between their paws, which is why it is important to do some research and find out everything about the pinscher. You should sleep indoors, especially in winter. Even if the pinscher is a very healthy dog, it can still suffer from three hereditary diseases:  cataracts, von Willebrand syndrome (blood clotting disorder) and hip dysplasia.

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