Science Proves It: Dogs Manipulate Us

It has been scientifically proven what most dog owners have known for a long time: dogs have the ability to manipulate us. You have mastered tactical deception perfectly.
Science proves it: dogs manipulate us

Surely you have noticed several times that your dog is manipulating you. Scientists have now confirmed in an experiment what you have known for a long time: dogs  manipulate  us.

Dogs and their “tactical deception”

After living together for such a long time, it seems that we humans have transferred some of our tricks to our pets as well. They are intelligent and alert and have developed the ability to “tactical deception”.

The experiment was carried out by a team from the Department of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Zurich under the direction of Marianne TE Heberlein and shows that dogs can manipulate us in order to get food. The experiment was published in the journal Animal Cognition.

More about the study that shows dogs manipulate us

How dogs manipulate us - dog and owner

The study was carried out with 27 dogs (both males and females) of various breeds and ages. Each animal had to go through different situations with three different people:

  • With the owner who has always had a cooperative relationship with his dog.
  • With a stranger who secretly gave him food from a container.
  • With another stranger who kept the food to himself and was considered a “competitor” by the dog.

The dog  had the opportunity to lure these people to three different food sources, which were arranged in three boxes:

  • The first contained a meal that the animal liked.
  • In the second there was food that the dog was indifferent to.
  • Number 3 was empty.

How did the dogs react to the experiment?

Can you imagine how our intelligent and manipulative canine friends reacted in this situation? They immediately knew what to do:

  • When the “cooperative” owner was with them, the dogs almost always took him to the box with their favorite food.
  • If they were accompanied by the “competitor”, the dogs usually led him to the empty box, knowing that he would refuse them to eat.

The dogs largely adapted their behavior to the situation in order to gain advantages for themselves. They use their tactical deception skills to get their food.

Heberlein confirms that with this experiment the flexible cognitive ability of the four-legged friends could be perfectly observed. They know exactly how to manipulate us! 

Dogs are exceptionally intelligent and sensitive

How dogs manipulate us - dog gives paw

Many studies have been done to prove the intelligence of dogs. Dog owners have long known that their loyal companions have incredible cognitive skills and are very sensitive.

Various experiments have shown that …

  • Dogs not only understand what we are saying to them, but also interpret how we do it. To process words, dogs use the left hemisphere of the brain, to interpret sound, they use the right. This is how they associate words with objects and with the sound of words that we use.
  • Dogs have the intelligence of a two year old child.
  • Dogs can also be  optimistic or pessimistic. You can also be depressed or jealous.
  • Dogs have the sensitivity of a child.

And what can you tell us about how smart and sensitive your dog is?

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