Know Your Pet’s Mood By Their Body Language

You can tell your dog’s mood by his postures. Some can be more subtle and some can be clearer.
Know your pet's mood by their body language

Body language has been used since ancient times to interpret certain feelings and moods in animals or humans. Today we’re going to show you how this is very useful for communicating with your dog and understanding their mood as well.

You can tell your dog’s mood by his postures. Some can be more subtle and some can be clearer. But if you know her, you will recognize his mood and act accordingly. We are going to talk about the most common postures here.

Postures that reveal your dog’s mood

Here are some of the most common postures that tell us a lot about the dog’s mood and feelings.

Standing posture

your pet's mood - happy dog

When the dog stands upright with its head and tail held high, it feels safe and confident. His eyes will have small pupils and it doesn’t matter if his ears are relaxed or pricked, he is easy going and feels calm and secure.


This position will cause the dog to stretch its forelegs forward on the floor, as well as its chest, and it is likely that the tail will be raised and constantly moved. Although many believe this is an attack position, the truth is that your dog is in the best of moods, he feels happy, and wants to play with you. In fact, this position is called “the bow before the game”.

Hip movements

Has your dog ever poked you with his hips? Did you see him do this to another dog? It doesn’t mean that he is angry or that he wants to fight, on the contrary.

If he does this to another dog, it only shows that he wants to interact with others of his species.

When he does it to you, it is a sign of trust. But he won’t complain if you play with him a little either. On the rare occasion, when your dog shows you his hips in this “shameless” way, he may want you to scratch him because it is not an easily accessible place.

Roll around

How many times have you seen your dog lying on its stomach on the floor and rolling from side to side? Certainly often! Well, that’s a mark of respect for authority. Sometimes they can use this gesture to escape danger.

With her he can avert something that he thinks is threatening and can use his feet to push away what he does not like.

Wandering around

Sometimes dogs run aimlessly from side to side. When a dog does this, it usually means that they are bored, anxious, and maybe even stressed out. If you see it happen to your dog, make him run, play, or jump.

He may lack exercise, and by giving him this, those emotions will calm down and your dog’s mood will improve.


your pet's mood - chihuahua on meadow

If your dog is suddenly motionless in the middle of an activity, either with you or with other people or dogs, as if he had seen a zombie, he does so because he does not feel safe.

He’s seen something he doesn’t like and his confidence is gone. He is paralyzed and will likely run away afterward to be alone and overcome the mood.

Make a hump

If your dog arches his back and his hair is on end, this is not a sign of aggressiveness, but a sign that he sees danger and that is his camouflage. With this attitude he appears taller and in this way he believes he can protect himself from the danger.

These are some of the most important postures your dog can adopt that will tell you a lot about their feelings and mood. Knowing them will help you make a special bond with your dog or strengthen one that already exists. Does your dog have other typical postures or maybe his own to communicate with you or to ask about something? Share it with us!

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