The Easiest And Safest Way To Cut Your Dog’s Claws

Too long claws are uncomfortable for the dog, dirt sticks more easily and they can cause different problems for both animals and us humans.
The easiest and safest way to cut your dog's nails

All pets require regular grooming to help them lead a healthy life. Just as an unkempt coat can lead to skin diseases or parasites, so too long claws can affect a dog’s wellbeing. That’s why in this article we want to explain how to do it right. 

Tools and preparation

In order to cut the dog’s claws in an easy and comfortable way, you need the following things:

  • A special dog claw  scissors : There are scissors, clippers, pliers … Depending on the size and breed, there are different models, it’s best to get advice from a retailer.
  • Small treats to motivate the four-legged friend:  With a reward, the dog will prefer to endure the cutting of its claws.
  • If you cut the dog’s nails too short, your dog may start bleeding. Therefore, you should always have a disinfectant and hemostatic agent on hand to treat the injury.

    Get your dog used to the clippers

    Your dog can be frightened at first sight, so it’s best to get him used to the tool slowly. Slowly bring the scissors up to one paw and use them to touch the claws without cutting them. Watch how your dog reacts! Open and close the claw scissors so that the clicking sound can be heard and you can get your dog used to it.

    Cut the dog's claws

    Petting and a treat will take away your dog’s fear of the scissors. Every animal is different, so the habituation process can take different lengths of time. As soon as your four-legged friend has got used to the claw cutter, you can start cutting.

    It is highly recommended that you ask a veterinarian before cutting your nails for the first time which model is best for your dog and how best to cut the nails. After all, you don’t want to harm your animal.

    Here’s how to cut the claws correctly

    First, you need to find out  where the blood vessels are in the claw. With white dog claws this part is colored pink, with black claws it is gray. Be careful not to cut this area or your dog will start bleeding.

    The distance to the blood vessels should always be more than two millimeters. Should your dog start to bleed anyway, calm him down and use the hemostatic agent that you should always have on hand for such cases.

    Cut the claws on small dogs

    With this in mind, you can easily cut the claws. In this case, however, the dog’s reaction is crucial. If your four-legged friend becomes restless or bites, it is better to leave this work to an experienced dog hairdresser. 

    Why care is so important

    Too long claws are uncomfortable for the dog, dirt sticks more easily and various problems can arise for the animal or for yourself. Proper and regular care is part of hygiene.

    Too long claws can cause the following problems:

    • Increased risk of infections: After a long, eventful day in nature or a walk in the city, pathogens accumulate under the claws. Dogs, as well as other animals, often scratch their paws. Injury caused by dirty claws that are too long is dangerous to the dog and the people who surround it. 
    • Ingrown claws: Ingrown claws are very painful and prone to infection.
    • Problems walking, running, or jumping.

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