7 Breeds Of Dogs That Hardly Shed

Enough with allergies, daily cleaning or constant brushing. Some breeds of dogs have the characteristic that they almost do not shed.
7 breeds of dogs that almost don't shed

Removing your dog’s hair from all furniture every day is exhausting and unbearable, especially if we live in an apartment and don’t have much time to constantly clean it. However, you don’t have to do without a dog as a result. In this article, we’ll talk about breeds of dogs that almost don’t shed. Exactly what you need!

Breeds of dogs that almost do not shed

Enough with allergies, daily cleaning or constant brushing. Some breeds of dogs have the characteristic that they almost do not shed . Here we tell you which ones they are:

  1. dachshund

Everyone knows this beautiful dog with an elongated body and short legs, which is popular as a pet and also helps with hunting when animals are hiding in tunnels (like rabbits). Due to its small size, it is ideal for smaller houses or apartments. Its personable character makes it ideal for families with children.

Another outstanding quality is his intelligence (he is very lively and astute). There are three types of fur in dachshunds: short, dense, and long. The first ones are most common, including those with almost no hair.

  1. Yorkshire Terrier

Although they have long and very fine coats that require regular brushing and grooming, it is amazing that they almost do not shed. These dogs have a lively personality, they are a very sociable breed, ideal to take with you wherever you go.

The Yorkshire Terrier is also quite territorial and always vigilant. He can bark excessively, but the good news is that you don’t have to suckle every day if you have him as a pet.

  1. Shih Tzu

This breed of dog is originally from China and its name means “lion dog”. He has a beautiful, long coat, but he still hardly loses any hair. However, it does need to be brushed regularly. Its fur is soft and double-layered.

The Shih Tzu is very expressive, affectionate and sociable. It can be a good companion for seniors or families in small apartments.

  1. poodle

He has a particularly curly coat. Although we think he has a lot of shedding due to the composition and amount of fur, he is quite “clean”. It is recommended for people who are allergic. Keep in mind that the fur needs to be brushed and detangled several times a week to keep it in good condition. Some owners choose to cut it once a month.

Poodles can live in a smaller space and get along very well with children. They are loving and good watchdogs at the same time. They are alert and ready to bark when perceiving danger.

  1. Boston Terrier

Another very nice little dog that hardly sheds any hair. The breed is of North American descent and is very sociable, happy, easy to train, and playful. The Boston Terrier’s body looks similar to that of the Bulldog. It has a compact snout and the ears are always pricked up.

The coat is short but needs regular grooming. One of the most salient features of this breed is that they give off almost no unpleasant odor and almost do not shed. He seems like the ideal dog!

  1. Zwergschnautzer

7 breeds of dogs that hardly shed - miniature schnauzers

It is used to keep rodents out of houses and fields. The Miniature Schnauzer is a very loving dog and watchdog, therefore a perfect pet. He has “coarse” and thin hair, and almost does not shed. However, it does need regular brushing and grooming, especially around the legs and chin, where it has a lot of hair.

  1. West Highland White Terrier

A very cute little dog from Scotland, white and with an expressive face, he weighs no more than 10 kg. It is chosen by people who have smaller houses or who like to travel with their pet. Bred to be a hunting dog, the terrier is tenacious and has temperament. He may bark excessively when he hears something strange.

He doesn’t usually shed a lot of hair, but does require constant brushing and his coat should be trimmed from time to time to keep it healthy.

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