Collar Or Harness For A Walk?

In recent years the harness has sold better than the collar. Why is that? We compared both options.
Collar or harness while walking?

When we adopt a dog for the first time, we have many doubts and questions. Some advise this, others say that. When it comes to the walk, we wonder whether a collar or harness would be more appropriate. A decision becomes necessary, so we have to find an answer out of the confusion of others’ comments.

So that you can make the best decision for you and your pet, we will inform you about the advantages and disadvantages of both products.

Collar or harness? That is the question

This dog is wearing a collar

Many think that the chest harness is a novelty. They mean we are choosing it as an option only for fashion reasons. After all, the collar has been around for ages. So why change something?

In the following we analyze the two products in order to demystify certain aspects and explain them as clearly as possible.

The collar

Many people don’t even ask the question. They believe that the collar has always existed and don’t even think of considering other options. The clever advertising and the myriad of different models of collars that are available in the animal market attract the attention of many. 

 The specialists advise against the collar, as it is attached to a very sensitive area of ​​the neck. There are muscles and other important structural elements that can cause serious damage in the event of injury.

Medical complaints

Among other things, it can lead to  tension, jamming of the spine, neurological diseases, respiratory problems or thyroid diseases.

These diseases occur especially when the dog pulls a lot on the leash, or when we do this to “educate” him. How many times have we not seen this scene? Someone pulls his dog’s leash because he’s in too much of a hurry.

We can also make the mistake of using a leash that is too short. This can injure the animal while walking. It is also wrong to tie up the dog to punish him. This can lead to the injuries mentioned above.

Educationally valuable upbringing instead of punishment

We consider it unnecessary and abuse to pull on the dog’s leash to punish him. As intelligent as your dog is, he doesn’t always understand exactly what you want from him. Pulling him on the leash is just physical abuse. There are other ways to get him to obey without pulling on the leash.

That is why the collar is appropriate for calm dogs that are already obedient to the sound of your voice. These dogs usually don’t tug their collars most of the time and don’t need a short leash. There is no need to control them, because they accompany their owner of their own free will. Their obedience is greater than outside influences.

So the collar is nothing but another accessory and not a torture accessory for dogs. However, if your dog is a bit more active and prone to small explosions of joy, then we recommend that you let the idea of ​​the collar be better.

The chest harness

To make it easier for you to decide between a collar and a harness, we will now analyze the latter and then come to the conclusion which is the better option in our case.

The harness is much less harmful and much more useful because of its adaptability. It will not cause any damage to the neck or back. This allows the dog to go for a safer walk.

Material and size of the harness

The material of the harness should be breathable. The leash should be attached to the back of the harness so that the pulling force is distributed over the whole body  and does not damage the back or limbs.

The harness should not cover more of the body than necessary. Of course, the size should also be appropriate for the dog. If it is too big, the dog can break free. On the other hand, if it is too small, it can cut off its blood flow. In short, the harness should be the correct size for your dog’s physical characteristics.

You should also make sure that the harness is not too tight under the armpits so that it does not graze the skin there. It should never be placed over the neck, but always over the chest. So now we have to make the decision whether we prefer a collar or a harness for our dog.

What is our conclusion on the subject of a collar or harness?

Collar and harness

With all this information, it is clear to us that the harness is more beneficial for dogs as long as you choose the right one. The pulling force of the dog is better distributed over its body and serious injuries can be avoided.

If you still prefer a collar, choose a padded, wide and comfortable one for your fur nose. And of course, please don’t make it too tight. Take good care of your four-pawed friend!

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