Basic Tips For Caring For An Older Dog

Older dogs require different care and needs than young animals. We advise you on this topic.
Basic Tips for Grooming an Older Dog

Just like humans, animals age too. As we get older, we need to take care of them a little more. In the following article, we’ll explain the things you need to look out for when caring for an older dog  so that he can get the most out of his last phase of life.

Tips for Grooming an Older Dog

Older dogs sometimes need more care

When an animal turns 10 years old, it can be assumed that it will pass into its old age.  This happens even when the animal appears young and full of energy. Little by little his body, his habits and his movements change. It runs slower, eats less, and spends more time sleeping.

During this last stage of his life (even if he can be up to 15 years old) the changes in his behavior go hand in hand with the appearance. Old dogs also have gray coats, suffer from osteoarthritis, and their senses begin to diminish.

Our task as masters is to alleviate the effects of aging a little so that they do not change the life of our animal too suddenly or painfully. Take note of the following tips for grooming older dogs:

1. Be careful with his diet

From a certain age, our fur noses have different nutritional needs.   Talk to a veterinarian about what is the best diet plan for your dog. He should definitely get a low-fat feed or one that has been specially designed for older dogs. Both are lower in calories and tend to be a little softer (this is especially recommended if dogs are starting to lose their teeth).

If you notice that your dog is not drinking enough water, you can add a little broth or milk to his food. This also makes it easier for him to chew. Another option is to offer him moist food. Don’t give him anything hard because his teeth are getting weaker and weaker. Hard bones or treats are therefore also removed from the menu.

2. Check his body

An old dog shouldn’t be obese.  Being overweight can cause many diseases and problems in one’s bones and muscles. You should also see your veterinarian if you notice your dog is losing weight quickly.

3. Don’t forget the spout

While their body and state of health permit, older dogs should also be given some exercise. A walk in the park or around the block where the fur nose meets her four-pawed friends also helps keep her emotional balance. It is essential to adapt the routine to the health situation. The morning and evening walks should be shorter  (no longer than 30 minutes).

4. Be aware of its limits

Over the years, our pets lose their sense of direction, smell, sight, hearing and memory.  For example, a dog may not remember where its bed or bowl is. Sometimes they don’t recognize certain people, or they “forget” when they are eating that they are eating. It can also be that he just doesn’t hear you call. Be patient and make his life more comfortable with your care.

5. Love him excessively

Another aspect of the care that we should give an older dog is related to the pats that this very special creature, which has been with us for many years, has earned. Even if pets become more independent and even grumpy after a certain age, then we still have to harass them. Perhaps this is even more true at an advanced age than when they are puppies or young animals. Do not interrupt his lunch break, do not put on loud music and tell the children to play in the garden … But do not exclude your furry friend from your life and do not forget them for a second.

Older dogs and people who care for them

6. Go to the vet more often

The advice is to bring a dog to the vet once a year. However, visits should be more frequent for an older animal, especially if it suffers from an illness. Aside from the weakening of the senses, arthritis, hip dysplasia, gum disease, kidney failure, diabetes, and incontinence are the main problems that older animals suffer from. The expert will advise you on the appropriate treatment and care for your four-pawed friend.

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