Dog And Owner Look Very Much Alike

One study concluded that nervous and anxious people have neurotic dogs. However, the quieter the owner, the more relaxed the animal.
Dog and owner look very much alike

You have probably already noticed that dogs and owners often look very  similar to one  another. Sometimes this immediately catches the eye. Science also confirms that there are various reasons for this.

In today’s article you will learn why dogs and dog owners are actually often animal similar .  

Dog and dog owner are often animal similar

Slow? Nervous? A glutton? Active? Do you feel that these descriptions apply to both yourself and your dog? Many dog ​​owners confirm that their fur noses display similar behavior and a similar character to themselves. 

Carmen Castro, a canine psychologist, affirms that we usually choose those breeds that suit us and are compatible with our own characteristics. Nervous people usually have restless animals, but calm dog owners have fur noses who sleep all day. 

The  ability to mimic and adapt, which dogs are known for, is also responsible. Since they are pack animals, they are used to adapting to the group and behaving like the group leader. This is like with older married couples, who also often look very similar.

Dogs can remember the actions of their owners and imitate them. For example, they can turn their head to one side if something catches their attention.

What do we expect from our house dog?

Frau und Hund schauen sich ähnlich
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Before we go into more detail about why dogs and dog owners are often animal similar, we ask you the question: Why do you have a dog and what criteria did you use to choose your dog? Experts assure that  we pay particular attention to similarities when choosing a dog. 

It is likely that you will choose a dog that is similar in character to yourself and can adapt to your lifestyle.
One study shows that:
  • Perfectionists choose a German Shepherd Dog.
  • Sociable, lovable people love golden retrievers.
  • Glamorous dog owners opt for a toy poodle or a Yorkshire.
  • Male athletes often have a pit bull or doberman pinscher.
  • Female athletes often opt for an Afghan Hound or a Dalmatian.
  • Active people love the Cocker Spaniel or Chihuahuas.
  • Bearded hipsters often have a Colli or a Saint Bernard.

You may think these are just biases, but  many research studies confirm these preferences. Different dog owners in three public parks were analyzed at the University of San Diego (USA).

In most cases it was only possible to predict which dog belonged to which owner by looking  Psychologists explain that when looking for a partner, exactly the same thing happens: we look for someone who is compatible with us.

Since we are mostly with people who lead a similar lifestyle and have a similar personality, it makes perfect sense that this should also be the case with dogs.

Active owners, active dogs

Frau und Hund sind sich ähnlich
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A study conducted at the University of Vienna in Austria confirms that  dogs adopt personality traits and traits from their owners. 

In order to reach this conclusion, the behavior of 132 dogs and their owners was analyzed and the reactions of the four-legged friends to a threat or certain words were observed. At the same time, the pulse and cortisol level (stress hormone) were analyzed via the saliva.

The dog owners had to fill out a questionnaire to determine the personality. Five characteristics were analyzed: sympathy, extraversion, neuroticism, openness and awareness. They then had to answer a series of questions about the dog’s behavior.

This study concluded that  nervous and anxious individuals have neurotic dogs. However, the quieter the owner, the more relaxed the animal. In short: like the master, like the dog.

It could also be confirmed that there is a very special dyadic relationship between dogs and humans, a two-way relationship in which both influence each other in behavior and personality. However, humans have  a far greater impact on dogs than the other way around. 

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