Can The Pet Go To Bed? Advantages And Disadvantages

Of course everyone has to decide for themselves whether they want it or not. However, today we are going to list various advantages and disadvantages to make your decision easier. 
Can the pet go to bed?  Advantages and disadvantages

Sleep with our pet, yes or no? Opinions differ here, but what are the advantages or disadvantages of taking the pet to bed with you?

In a study with 150 participants, 56 respondents said they let their pets sleep in bed, many of whom assert that doing so improves their sleep as they feel safer and more secure. In the United States, around 50% of dogs and cats sleep in their owners’ beds .

Of course everyone has to decide for themselves whether they want it or not. However, today we are going to list various advantages and disadvantages to make your decision easier. 

Can the pet go to bed? 

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits first.

Stronger bond

Letting your pet sleep in your bed will bond with them better, especially if you spend a lot of time away from home. This gives the animal the opportunity to be by your side at night.

Better sleep

There are people who hug a pillow to help them sleep better, but what’s better than hugging your pet ? You can relax and unwind so well. 

Dog in bed

Better blood pressure

The love your dog gives you makes you feel good. Among other things, you can use it to reduce your  blood pressure  and prevent heart disease.

More safety

With your dog in bed you feel safe and secure. Children who suffer from frequent nightmares can also benefit greatly from this. Another option is to let the dog sleep in the same room.

What are the disadvantages of letting the pet sleep in bed? 


Of course, a sick animal shouldn’t sleep in your bed. Even a young animal that is not yet clean has no business under your blanket!


The risk of disease or parasites is greater if your pet sleeps in bed with you. Don’t forget to deworm the animal regularly!

Disturbed sleep

Some dogs bark, growl, or cry while they sleep, which of  course can affect the quality of your sleep. Of course, you also subconsciously know that you cannot move freely because your pet is somewhere in bed. Perhaps your dog will wake you up with his movements too.


The pet could scratch you accidentally, especially if they have nightmares. Cut the claws of your animal friend!

Helpful tips

If you take your pet to bed with you, we recommend that you keep the following tips in mind: 

Cat in bed

  • You make the rules. Find a place to sleep peacefully and don’t let your pet take it away from you.
  • Do not accept territorial aggression. If your pet growls or bites, throw them out of bed. It has to know that you are the one who makes the rules.
  • Don’t let him sleep under the covers, but on the covers.

Analyze the advantages and disadvantages yourself and decide what is your favorite. Remember, however, that once your pet is used to sleeping in bed with you, there is no going back.

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