5 Tips Against Fearful Behavior In Dogs

Dogs can suffer from fear for a variety of reasons, but most of the time, similar triggers are hidden behind it.
5 tips against fearful behavior in dogs

Thunder, a larger dog, past trauma, or other occurrences can cause fear in dogs. In today’s post you will learn what you against  anxiety behavior  can do in dogs, so your ingenuous friend does not suffer. 

What can be done about fearful behavior in dogs?

Dogs can suffer from fear for a variety of reasons, but most of the time, similar triggers are hidden behind it. The  following tips help against fearful behavior  so that your four-legged friend can overcome the unpleasant feeling:

1. Don’t hug or stroke your four-legged friend too much

Tips against fearful behavior in dogs

This is a common mistake made by dog ​​owners because they want to protect their fur nose and take away their fear. But you should react normally to fearful behavior, just as you would otherwise. So the dog feels that he is not in danger and that it is a completely normal situation. 

This is especially important when there is a fireworks display or a thunderstorm. Try to act normally, to tell the dog that it is not a dangerous situation. Ignore your four-legged friend, but look at him to see his reaction.

2. Keep calm to calm your dog down

Your faithful friend depends on you and imitates you. If you are calm yourself, so will he. So do not show him your nervousness, otherwise your four-legged friend will be more afraid. Transfer calmness to your dog, instill confidence and security in him. This way he knows that nothing bad is going to happen and can overcome his fear.

3. Entertain your four-legged friend

For example, if it’s pouring rain and you know your dog is afraid of it, use the time to play with him. You can entertain him with a ball or his favorite toy. You can also feed him so that he can concentrate on eating and forget his fear.

Don’t forget  that he ‘ll finish the food quickly  and you’ll have to entertain him differently afterwards. You can feed him small dog biscuits or reward him in the game.

4. Keep the routine

If a thunderstorm or fireworks are about to happen, you should still stick to your usual routine at home. If you start to darken the house with blinds or change other things,  your dog can interpret this with danger and even more show fear. 

5. Don’t give up!

Fear behavior in dog

You may need several rainy or thunderstorm nights, or several walks in the park, so that your dog can gradually overcome his fear. Don’t give up and remember,  patience is essential to raising a dog. 

Every time your dog behaves well around Donner, or if he is not afraid of a bigger dog, you should reward and praise your four-legged friend so that he knows he did it well.

These tips will help if the dog’s fear behavior is normal and the fear is triggered by noise or something unusual. However, if the dog has been mistreated, you need to be very careful with him. Move slowly, speak softly, and learn to understand him. Do not forget that he is dragging trauma and that it is not easy to recover from.

A dog trainer can help you cope with situations in which the dog experiments with suspicion, great fear, and nervousness, such as when he thinks he will be hit or mistreated again. With the help of an expert, he can learn to overcome fears and lead a happy life.

Normally, however, it is not difficult at all to successfully implement these tips against anxiety behavior.

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