Hairy Times: Care And Cleaning Tips

During the change of coat, more hair accumulates all over the house. It is therefore important to brush the dog daily and also to take other measures to care for the four-legged friend and to keep the house clean. 
Hairy times: care and cleaning tips

During the change of coat, the dog’s hair spreads everywhere, which can be very uncomfortable and also promotes allergies. But with a little patience and humor, you can get  through hairy times . You just have to implement various tips in everyday life to care for your pet and keep the household clean. 

Interesting facts about changing fur

The cycle of a hair in dogs is very similar to that of us: the growth phase, transition phase and resting phase alternate constantly, with the change of coat being driven by the seasonal changes. Light and temperature also play an important role here.

The hair follicle is anchored in the hair follicle during the growth phase; it needs certain nutrients so that the hair can grow healthily. In the transition phase, the hair follicle shrinks, the hair separates and prepares to fall out. Finally, the hair falls out in the resting phase while at the same time preparing for the new growth phase.

The change of coat can be very uncomfortable for dog owners, because during this time animal hair can be found everywhere. But different tips can help you to overcome hairy times! Read on to learn more about it.

hairy times with dogs

Overcoming hairy times with dogs

Then you will find simple and practical tips to get through hairy times with dogs as best as possible. As a rule, the four-legged roommates change their coat twice a year, depending on the breed and coat type.

Daily brushing

Daily brushing is very important to  remove fancy and loose hair and prevent it from being found all over the house. There are specific brushes for changing fur; ask a specialist shop for advice.

Although it is tedious and time-consuming to brush your fur nose every day, it also has various advantages for you and your dog.

Vacuum cleaner with strong suction power

If you have a pet, a powerful vacuum cleaner that picks up and holds the hair well is recommended  There are special vacuum cleaners with pet hair filters that are worthwhile. You can use it to keep your home clean easily and practically.

Rubber brush

If you only have a short time and don’t want to vacuum, a rubber brush can be very helpful. This  is electrically charged and attracts animal hair,  which is very beneficial for cleaning.

Bath your four-legged friend

A bath is also a good idea to remove any dead hair when you change your coat. Then dry the animal well! This allows you to easily remove hair that is already loose before it spreads around the house.

hairy times.  Dog is bathed

No carpets during the change of fur

If you have carpets, for example in the living room or bedroom, it is advisable to remove them while you are changing your  coat. Even if your dog does not enter certain rooms: his hair is so fine that it still spreads everywhere.

Set limits

Even if the hair is all over the house, which can hardly be prevented,  you should set limits for the dog. Don’t let him sleep on the sofa or in bed to prevent so much hair from building up in these places.

Don’t scold your furry friend, teach her that certain places are taboo. Don’t forget that it is normal for the animal to change its coat and that it has no control over it.

With a bit of humor, you can get through hairy times better,  luckily they don’t last long and usually only occur twice a year. During the rest of the time, your dog will of course also lose hair, but not that much.

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