Elderly People And Dogs

Dogs are a wonderful experience for the elderly and keep them fit and healthy at the same time
Elderly people and dogs

Elderly people  need to take special care of their health, as the body becomes weaker and more frail with age. In the course of history, doctors and scientists have therefore made particular efforts  to find means to maintain quality of life in old age. 

Medicines, therapies and healthy lifestyle habits make important contributions  to keeping older people  healthy and fit so that they can enjoy their lives for as long as possible.

Dogs are also highly recommended for the elderly  because they have numerous health benefits. Not for nothing are they considered man’s best friends. Then you will learn more about what dogs can do for the elderly.

Better mood

elderly people with dogs

Many people suffer from loneliness in old age and therefore feel sad and sometimes even depressed. This practically does not happen with a dog. One of the most important advantages of a four-legged friend is its ability to prevent depression from occurring.

The responsibility that one takes for the fur nose  and the tenderness and loyalty that the animal shows on a daily basis improve the state of mind. This can also prevent depression and loneliness.

It has been scientifically proven that  living with a pet promotes the production of certain hormones that have a very positive effect on the state of mind. 

Better frame of mind

This is undoubtedly another benefit that is not to be sniffed at. Many older people suffer from various cognitive disorders. 

Various studies have shown that  dealing with pets, for example, improves memory in old age. This fact is one reason why doctors often recommend that older people have a dog.

But why can a dog have a positive effect on memory? Fur noses are the best remedy for stress, because their games and tenderness ensure balance and relaxation.

The memory loss in old age is often closely linked  to great stress, which can be prevented in this way. 

Better physical health

As you get older, slow, gentle exercise is essential to staying fit. In this phase of life more and more physical complaints occur,  so it is particularly important to take care of yourself.

Dogs can do a lot for their physical health too. The four-legged friend has to be looked after and taken for a walk every day,  which keeps the dog owner busy. Daily walks work against stress at the same time, make you happy and also promote mental health.

A dog usually needs three walks a day between 15 and 30 minutes. It is a wonderful, gentle form of movement that can be used to regulate blood pressure and strengthen muscles.

Recommendations for the elderly

older people benefit from dogs

If an elderly person wants a dog, it should meet the following requirements:

  • He should be over 2 years old
  • be calm and obedient,
  • don’t run too fast
  • and it should be a small or medium-sized breed, such as Yorkshire Terriers or Beagles.

Dogs are a wonderful experience for the  elderly  and keep them fit and healthy at the same time.

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