The Faithful Fila Brasileiro

We would like to talk about a dog that we have added to our breed “library”. And we think you should get to know him.
The faithful Fila Brasileiro

We would like to talk about a dog that we have added to our breed “library”. And we think you should get to know him. We are referring to the Fila Brasileiro, an inspiring animal that can be found in this saying: “Faithful as a Fila”. Let’s see why that is and what is special about this breed.

Get to know the loyal Fila Brasileiro


It is believed that instead of being “created” by humans by crossing different dogs, this breed evolved over time and adapted to the needs of colonizers in Brazil.

Even so , many think he is a combination of three breeds: bulldogs, mastiffs, and bloodhounds. The first Fila Brasileiro to be documented date back to 1671, a breed that is not too old if we compare it to others. However, it seems impossible to pinpoint the exact time of their appearance.

Fila Brasileiro - on meadow

The earliest residents of Brazil needed a versatile dog that could do the work of a shepherd and a gamekeeper. They also demanded loyalty.

The Fila Brasileiro was also responsible for monitoring slaves on sugar plantations. Otherwise the 200 or so workers on a plantation would have escaped easily. Even after slavery was abolished, the Fila Brasileiro continued to perform other duties.

Some examples were exported to Germany around 1954. This is how the breed spread all over the world.

Properties of the Fila Brasileiro

The Fila Brasileiro belongs to the Molossian group. His fur is always smooth, single-colored and without spots. However, white spots on the feet, chest and tip of the tail are allowed. And sometimes they can have a black mask. All colors are permitted, except for striped, spotted, black or fiery red Fila Brasileiro. Its fur is short and soft.

On the other hand, its skin, although thick, is loose, similar to that of the Shar-Pei. It has folds and a pronounced double chin at the level of the neck. The wrinkles can appear on the chest and abdomen and, although he does not have flats on his head, these can appear when he is in an alert position.

The dimensions of the male are 65 to 75 cm, while the females are about five cm smaller. The weight can reach 50 kg, in females 40 kg. But you are still agile and flexible and can climb a 1.70 meter high wall.

The Fila Brasileiro’s ears are long and droop down the sides of its face, while its eyes are almond-shaped with a hue that ranges from dark brown to yellow.

Character of the Fila Brasileiro

As we said at the beginning, the Fila Brasileiro is a dog who is very loyal, although with the same intensity it shows its aversion to strangers. This is why this breed is said to have a double personality.

In fact, breeders consider the Fila Brasileiro’s temperament much more than their physical appearance when selecting him for breeding.

He is considered courageous, docile, obedient and very tolerant of children. His character is calm, although he exudes a lot of self-confidence and confidence and easily adapts to new environments.

Health and care

It should be noted that there are no health issues with this breed, with the exception of hip dysplasia, but not all dogs of this breed suffer from it.

Fila Brasileiro - skin folds

Your ears and skin folds are the favorite places of parasites and bacteria and require special care. Check these at least several times a week and clean them with a damp cotton ball to keep your pet healthy. Brush his fur once a week to remove dirt from hidden areas.

The Fila Brasileiro is a special dog and his character could be a little complicated at times. You should take this into account along with his or her size and think carefully about whether this is the dog you need. Remember that adoption is a huge responsibility.

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