Rat As A Pet: Would You Share Your Life With One?

It might sound a little strange, but there are more and more people who share their habitat with a rat. Today we would like to tell you about rats as pets.
Pet rat: would you share your life with one?

The animal we deal with today is usually associated with more negative factors, such as rejection, disease transmission, and even disgust. But in many households nowadays the rat is kept as a pet. That’s why we’d like to share with you some information about these animals that is sure to surprise you!

A rat as a pet: yes or no?

Of course, there is no single answer to this question. The choice of pet is usually influenced by a number of factors including personal, economic, and hygienic. In the case of a rat as a pet , psychological factors may also be involved.

This is because many people associate rats with negative or harmful aspects. It is believed to be one of the most hostile species in humans. The fault lies in the story. Rats have largely been blamed for the black death that plagued Europe in the 14th century.

But we were wrong about how the latest scientific studies inform us . It wasn’t the rats, but the combination of fleas, lice and poor hygiene was the real reason a third of the population died.

You might be surprised, but what if we tell you that the rat has existed as a pet for centuries?

Tame rat up your sleeve

The breeding of the domesticated rat

The earliest records of the rat as a pet date back to the 18th century. Unfortunately, the first rats were bred for a sport called rat-baiting, and many died in the process. In spite of everything, the breeding of different colored rats in different sizes became popular.

It wasn’t until the 19th century that the rat began to become famous as a pet. In the 1970s the National Fancy Rat Society was founded in England, where the basics of rat breeding were established. Nowadays, the rat is known worldwide as a pet.

The pet rat has many advantages

If you keep a rat as a pet, you are in the company of a very amiable and intelligent being. These rodents are social animals, extremely playful, and usually not at all aggressive. All of this also makes them ideal pets for children.

Besides that, rats are very intelligent and can learn tricks. If you have the necessary patience, you can certainly teach your rat some. However, in order to keep and care for the animal appropriately, it is important that you follow a few guidelines.

Tame rat as a pet

Caring for and feeding a rat as a pet

When you’ve finally decided to share your life with a rat, you should do some research on its care and nutrition. Know that these animals live in groups in the wild, so it is advisable to keep more than one. 

As for the cage, it is important that it is large enough for the animals to be comfortable in. If you have enough space, give them a cage in which they can run and move around freely.

There should also be shelter for them there, where they can retreat to sleep and rest. Even if they are actually very clean animals, it is best to clean them thoroughly every week.

For the nutrition of the rat, you should buy a species-appropriate dry food. This type of food contains all the nutrients these animals need. Of course, you can always give your rats a few pieces of fresh fruit and vegetables as a treat.

The decision is of course always up to the future pet owner, but as you can see, keeping a rat as a pet is not all that unusual. It can even be really nice when you share your home with a rat.

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