The Most Important Canine Organizations In The World

These organizations ensure that the pedigrees and judges are mutually recognized by the various members who participate.
The most important canine associations in the world

Canine associations worldwide ensure that the pure breed standards are maintained in dogs. They also promote the healthy and responsible breeding of these animals in order to ensure the welfare of the registered dogs.

The dog associations are also fighting more and more with legal means against senseless legislation. They offer legal support and work with small associations and non-profit organizations that promote animal and dog rights.

The most important canine associations

Today, these types of organizations are imperative as they support positive action that educates the public about responsible dog ownership. They also train breeders and judges internationally.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

This international dog club has 95 contractual members and participants – one member for each country – who issue their own pedigrees and train their own judges. The FCI recognizes 349 breeds worldwide, each with its own country.

The “owner nations” of the breeds describe in detail the ideal standard of the breed, working with the help of the Scientific Standards Commissions of the FCI. These standards are a reference for the judges at the competitions held in the member countries of the FCI.

However, they are also made for breeders who always strive to breed high quality animals.

All member countries put on shows with international cast. There are also work and hunting tests, agility and obedience competitions, races, courses and herding tests. The results are then sent to the FCI offices, where they are processed and approved.

Dog does agility training - dog associations

When a dog has won a certain number of awards it can become an international champion in the categories of beauty, spectacle, work, agility, obedience, breed and endurance.

Canine Associations: American Kennel Club (AKC)

This club has allied dog lovers since 1884. The AKC is one of the most experienced and recognized canine societies in the world. For more than 130 years, the American Kennel Club has been the primary authority in the United States on everything to do with dogs. That is why it is also known as the most important resource for dog lovers.

Together with the affiliated organizations, he promotes keeping dogs as family companions. This also includes the promotion of studies on the health and well-being of the fur-nosed friends. He campaigns for the rights of dog owners and informs the public about responsible dog ownership.

Of course, the goal of all canine societies is to produce “good” dogs that are both mentally and physically healthy. Over the years the founders have stayed true to the motto: “Always remember: we are an organization that provides a service. The dogs are not there for us, we are there for the dogs. “

Canadian Kennel Club

The Canadian Canine Association was founded in 1989 by Merville Landry. She brought the Coton de Tulear to Canada and is the author of the Dictionnaire de la Cynophilie. This organization is based on the breed standards and the guidelines of the groups set by the Fédération Cinologique Internationale (FCI).

Different breeds of dogs present themselves - dog associations

This gives dog show fans and the general public the opportunity to learn more about a wide range of dog breeds around the world. The elite championships are held in Maritimes and Quebec. These specialized shows attract judges from all over the world because they appreciate the quality on offer.

European Guide Dog Federation

This organization aims to influence the legislation, politics and attitudes of breeders and trainers of guide dogs. She also endeavors to ensure that people who use guide dogs have excellent conditions and access. Her motto is: “Together we are strong.”

Spanish Royal Society for Dogs (RSCE)

There is also an organization for dogs in Spain. For more than a hundred years she has made it her business to protect and improve Spanish dog breeds.

Breeds that originally come from Spain are particularly important. Your human team and employees offer a lot of experience and resources.

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