Communication Between Pets And Humans

A recent study of communication found that the easiest way to get pups’ attention is to talk to them, like talking to a child of about two years old. This makes it easier to train the puppies.
Communication between pets and humans

Skeptics claim that our pets don’t understand anything we tell them. Scientists, however, are trying more and more to explain how communication between different species works.  That is why a study has now been carried out to determine how one should talk to one’s pet. As if everyone who loves animals and takes care of them doesn’t already know that anyway. 

Scientific studies show that communication between animals and humans exists

Communication with dogs and cats

We don’t really need any scientific studies to prove that our four-paw friends understand everything we tell them. It is enough to live with them to understand that.

But science just wants to give us animal lovers the right. On the one hand, they confirm our experience that our fur noses really understand us. On the other hand  , they now also explain to us how we should express ourselves. This makes communication with pets even more effective.

At least that is what we learned from a study on communication with dogs carried out at the University of Lyon (France) and published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The study is about how to talk to puppies.

How to talk to your pet to get their attention

The experts explain that we normally speak very differently to a pet than to a human. They say that we use “language aimed at dogs” with animals.

So what is this way of talking to pets? We’re changing the structure of the phrases, making them shorter and simpler. We also use a higher tone of voice.  It is true that when we talk to young children, we express ourselves similarly.

These results are certainly linked to other studies. They found out that dogs have about the intelligence of a two-year-old child.

What was the study of “Language addressed to dogs” about

The study found that speaking to puppies in a higher tone of voice made it easier to get their attention. In this way, this type of communication makes it easier to train the dog.

To get these results, the participants recorded phrases they used to say to their fur-noses. They were shown pictures of dogs of different ages. For example:

  • Hello my pretty!
  • Come here!
  • Who is a good dog
  • Very well!
  • Just as!

The scientists found that people used different tone of voice when looking at an adult animal, puppy, or old animal. The pitch was also different if there was no picture.

Further details of the study on the best way to communicate with the fur noses

The experiment then continued with the dogs. They were allowed to listen to the recordings of the people.

It was noticed that the puppies reacted more intensely to the voices of people who looked at dog pictures while they were speaking. The fur noses answered with a bark.

In contrast , the adult animals were more indifferent. This could explain why dogs become less interested in the voices of strangers as they get older.

However, when language is used face-to-face between humans and dogs,  animals of all ages appear to be interested.

And what is the best way to talk to cats?

Communication with puppies

The study says nothing at all about how to communicate with cats.  That’s why I’ll probably continue to talk to my cat for the moment as I did before.

I talk to my cat as if she were my equal.  I know cats see us as their partners. This is how the communication between me and my velvet paw works wonderfully.

Do you also have a special way of talking to your pet?

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