Tips For Your Dog To Come To You When You Call Him

There are a few tips and procedures that must be followed in order for a dog to obey the command and come to you.
Tips for your dog to come to you when you call him

If we call our dog and they don’t pay attention to us, we can get very angry. Perhaps you’ve tried everything you can to get him to obey the order, but you haven’t succeeded. Today we will give you tips  so that your dog will come to you when you call him.

There are a few tips and procedures that must be followed in order for a dog to obey the command and come to you. It is not easy to teach commands to an animal, but with a little patience and the right measures, it can be done! Here we will help you and give you tips so that your dog obeys you.

Steps and tips so that your dog obeys the command “come”

Tips so that your dog comes to you when you call him - dog training 2

If you call your dog and he looks at you out of the corner of his eye, without making the slightest gesture and not coming to you, it can make you angry and discouraged.

First on a leash

The best thing for this exercise is an adjustable leash that will give the dog room to move away from you and allow them to learn the command.

It is important that you have the right attitude. Which is it? Know that the first time the animal will not obey and that it will take time to learn the command. Be patient because your dog will sense your anger or outrage. So it is possible that you will get the opposite of what you want.

Do short and frequent leash exercises as the animals have very short attention spans. Do not punish him if he does not obey the first time because he may refuse to do the next few exercises. Every time you say “come” pull the leash a little so that he understands that he should move.

Find the right place

Your dog should be familiar with the environment and have as few distractions as possible. This will increase the animal’s ability to concentrate. Make sure to notify the other family members so that they do not interfere with the exercises and interrupt the animal’s concentration.

Work with him

Don’t stay calm after you give him the order. Use body language to make it easier for him to understand. For example, say “come” and take a few quick steps backwards. Obviously the dog will want to go to you.

Repeat the process several times to give the animal time to associate the word with the movement.

Use your hands

One of the tips to getting your dog to obey you is to use gestures. Gestures are something that dogs understand too, and that they can relate to commands.

For the command “come” you can point to yourself . Invite him to come to you or hold out your hand in front of you. Always do it while saying the word you want the dog to obey, so that the animal can combine the command with the gesture and make it easier for him to obey.

Go backwards

One way to make your dog’s job easier is to take steps backwards so he can walk towards you. Say “come” while moving and let the animal come towards you.

Use positive reinforcement

Punishing a dog or yelling at him when he disobeys will get you nowhere. But if you reward small achievements or efforts, your dog will relate the exercises to something positive and be more willing to obey.

More calm and distractions

Tips so that your dog comes to you when you call him - dog training in the park

What you want is for your dog to come to you whenever you call him. To improve his obedience, add various distractions to the classroom setting. For example, you could go to a park.

As soon as you are there, try to give him the command once on the leash without moving him. If he obeys, you can try off the leash to see how he reacts. Make sure you don’t go too far the first few times. What do you think of these tips to get your dog to obey you?

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