Your Dog Tried To Bite You? What To Do?

Even if there is a solution, you have to take the issue seriously and treat it accordingly. It is important to act quickly so your dog’s behavior doesn’t become a real problem. 
Did your dog try to bite you?  What to do?

You never expect your dog to lose its head one day and try to bite someone  You may have seen him often with other dogs, or maybe upset with you, but you cannot imagine that he could go so far as to bite you or anyone else 

Our post today is about this topic. You should stay calm, especially if you keep trying, because most of the time there is a solution.

Then learn more about the causes and what you can do about it. But even if there is a solution, you have to take the issue seriously and treat it accordingly. It is important to act quickly so your dog’s behavior doesn’t become a real problem. 

Why does your dog want to bite you?

Why does your dog want to bite you?

Dogs and humans have lived together for a very long time,  dogs have adapted to humans and have learned certain rules of our society. Dogs are not naturally aggressive, so you should not think that biting is innate or that there is no solution to it.

It should not be forgotten, however, that dogs retain original instincts even when they have adapted very well to humanity. However, certain dog behaviors can usually be controlled.

The ancestors of our current domestic dogs lived in the wild with their pack. This is why it is sometimes not easy for four-legged friends to adapt to a small apartment, although the size and breed of course also play an important role here. But it is an alien situation  to which the animals only had to adapt over time due to the taming.

If you don’t train your dog properly from the start, it can lead to behavior problems. It’s about nurturing love, affection and patience and properly socializing the dog! 

Need to belong

Dogs have an innate need to  belong to a pack or family. Like wolves, dogs are used to living in a group with a leader. They submit to the pack leader without any problems, but if they see that the pack leader is not performing his role correctly, there will be arguments about taking over the leadership himself.

If we transfer this situation to domestic dogs, then you as the dog owner are the  leader. If the dog realizes that you are not performing this role properly,  then he wants to become the leader himself. By arguing, for example by trying to bite you, he can show his intention to take on the role of leader himself.

But why does the dog feel that you are not a good leader? You let him do everything without setting any limits. When your honest friend can do whatever comes on his mind, you have lost your authority. So the dog becomes the new pack leader!

What to do if your dog tries to bite you

What to do if your dog tries to bite you

As explained earlier, if your dog tried to bite you, you lack authority. To avoid this, you have to lay down rules that your four-legged friend must follow.

The dog has to understand that you are the master of the house and that he has to act according to you. If there are more  family members, it is also important that everyone obey the rules. For example, walking times, feeding, playing time and certain behavioral patterns must be taken into account.

In addition, it must be determined whether the dog is allowed to sit on the bed or sofa or not, in which rooms he is allowed and which rules he has to follow. Afterwards everyone has to make sure that the fur nose actually observes these rules. 

On the other hand, keep in mind that if biting does occur in adulthood, the dog may lack proper socialization. Although this process should take place in puppyhood, you can still correct the behavior of your four-pawed companion in adulthood.

In our blog you will find lots of tips and advice to socialize and properly train your dog. Of course, dog trainers or vets can also be of great help and give you important recommendations. Do not doubt it to ask for advice!

In any case, you should take the right measures as soon as the first incident occurs to prevent further problems.

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