Why Do Dogs Scratch?

Fleas, ticks, fungi or drought can make it itchy, and dogs often scratch certain places as a result. Excessive scratching can lead to physical problems and depression too! 
Why do dogs scratch themselves?

You have probably noticed that your dog sometimes spends a long time scratching itself  Maybe his ears itch, his stomach or he just scratches the air. The first thing you think of is fleas or skin problems. But there are other reasons why dogs scratch a lot too 

Instead of simply viewing this behavior as normal, you should  look for possible causes,  as the itching could be due to parasites or a skin infection.

Every sixth visit to the vet is due to skin problems. You shouldn’t just put up with the scratching,  as the dog’s mental health could also be at stake. 

Various studies show that  skin problems are very uncomfortable for dogs and therefore often lead to depression! 

Dog scratching in bed

Want to know why dogs scratch?

  • The most common cause of itching is parasites: fleas and ticks are the main culprits. They injure the skin and suck blood,  which leads to itching. If your dog is also allergic to flea saliva, it may be a more serious problem. This can also lead to allergic dermatitis.
  • To find out if a dog has fleas, the first thing to  do is to watch it. Check the fur and skin, or even the stool, to see if there are any fleas. The unpleasant roommates particularly like to hide behind their ears and in the folds of their paws. Redness can often be seen on the dog’s skin.
  • Both fleas and ticks live on the host’s blood , but if they are bitten they can transmit a wide variety of very serious diseases. Therefore, you should regularly bathe your dog  with special anti-parasitic products  and also take other preventive measures.
  • Do you bite your fingernails when you’re nervous? Or do you keep walking up and down to calm yourself down? Dogs often scratch themselves to relieve nervousness or stress! 
  • Exercise also plays an important role here. You should give your dog enough exercise,  because this way he can break down pent-up energy. It can also help prevent boredom and attention problems that could lead to the dog scratching itself.

Diseases, fungi and dry skin

  • Classic mange (known as scabies in humans) is a skin disease that is common in animals and causes itching. The causative mites make themselves comfortable on the skin and cause injuries that can be very annoying. The mites especially like to spread in those areas of the body that are less hairy:  groin, armpits, joints of the legs, the edges of the ears …
  • Allergies can also cause itching. It can be a seasonal allergy, for example in spring or summer. However, the allergy can also occur all year round. Pollen, seeds, flowers, or other allergens can affect a dog’s skin.
  • Food intolerance can also manifest itself in skin complaints. Some dogs react to certain types of meat or grain, or to a very special brand of food. See if the dog scratches itself frequently after it has eaten, as this could be a sign of this.
  • If you also notice any bald spots,  it could be a fungal infection. In this case, the veterinarian must initiate the correct treatment.
  • Dry skin can also lead to frequent scratching. If there are any skin lesions, cracks, or scabs, it is a sign of dryness. The climate, lack of water or certain care products can be responsible for this. A lack of nutrients or hormonal problems can also cause dry skin. The vet will prescribe the correct treatment to relieve the discomfort in this case.

Dog scratching on the street

We have listed just a few examples that can induce a dog to scratch itself all the time. If this behavior only happens occasionally you shouldn’t worry, but  if scratching becomes a habit then you need to seek advice from a veterinarian.

If the dog has a health problem that is not treated,  wounds and infections can develop, which can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is better to pay attention and seek professional help in case of problems to ensure your pet’s well-being.

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