How Do You Find Out If Your Dog Has A Fever?

If a fever occurs, there could be an infection or other illness that needs urgent treatment. 
How do you know if your dog has a fever?

Dogs can also have a fever. They show us through their behavior whether they are okay or not. It is therefore important to watch out for possible signs. But how can you tell if a dog has a  fever ?

The normal body temperature of a dog is  between 38 and 38.8 degrees.  If a fever occurs, there could be an infection or other illness that needs urgent treatment. 

How do I know if my dog ​​has a fever?

Wie erkenne ich, ob mein Hund Fieber hat?

One of the best ways to know if a dog has a fever or not is to observe their behavior. All changes can be signs. The most common are:

  • Hot and dry nose
  • Nervous and apathetic character
  • Watery eyes
  • Trembling at high temperatures

If your dog has any of these symptoms, it’s best to use a rectal thermometer. This is not comfortable for the dog, but it is a way to accurately measure your pet’s body temperature.

Smear the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly and ask someone to help hold your dog. Remember that the most logical reaction for the animal is to move when it feels the pressure in the rectum.

The body temperature can also be determined efficiently in the ear.

What can I do if my dog ​​has a fever?

While it’s best to see the vet to determine causes and treatment for your pet, there are things you can do at home in the meantime.

However, we would like to emphasize that a visit to the vet is definitely necessary if the temperature does not return to normal after two days.

You can put the following tips into practice at home:

Dog with fever

  • Cool his legs and ears. Wet these areas of the body and place the dog in front of a fan to cool him down. Keep the temperature constant. At 39 degrees, you can remove the fan to avoid colds or a temperature shock.
  • The dog should drink enough. Drinking plenty of water is important to bring down the fever. Be careful, however, not to give it too large amounts at once, but gradually, as a lot of water at once could be harmful.
  • Put a cold compress on your dog’s stomach. He probably won’t like this, but it will make him feel better.
  • Never bathe him in cold water, as it can cause a temperature shock that could harm your pet instead of helping.
  • Do not give him medication for humans or animals unless prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • Never use ice,  especially if it could be heat stroke. Cold water is sufficient.

As mentioned at the beginning, you should closely monitor the dog’s behavior: changed eating habits, a changed gait or look, etc.  So you can tell whether your dog is doing badly. If this is the case, seek advice from a veterinarian.

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