Mistake While Walking Our Dog

We make our dog a lot of joy with a walk together. But far too often we also make mistakes …
Mistakes in walking our dog

When going for a walk you can but do not do anything wrong. But there are always several things that should be considered in order to avoid mistakes. Read on to learn more about it.

You always go the same lap

Just like us humans, our four-legged friends also love to discover new parks and places they have never been to before. The duration and intensity of the walk should also be adapted to the breed and size of the dog.

Pull on the leash

You probably pull the leash more often because your dog doesn’t move or doesn’t want to go in a different direction. You should be careful not to harm your dog or yourself.

It could also have psychological consequences for your dog. The jerky pull on the leash leads to  stress and anxiety!  This could result in fearful or aggressive behavior.  

Dog walking

To avoid such situations, you can use a short or elastic leash to better control the situation and to be able to communicate with the dog.
Of course, a good upbringing is also very helpful so that your four-legged friend walks well next to you. Then you don’t need a leash at all.

The dog sniffs everywhere

Some people believe that it is imperative to prevent their dog from coming into contact with foreign pathogens when walking, as they believe that these substances can cause diseases in their pet. However, one should always be aware that dogs behave differently from us humans. Sniffing is very important for dogs!

If you prevent your dog from sniffing, he will not be able to explore his surroundings and will not be able to mark places that other dogs visit.

Getting upset while walking

If the dog ignores commands or behaves inappropriately, many people often become loud. When you get upset, your four-legged friend feels stressed and scared. 

Shouting is a type of abuse that makes your dog feel attacked and doesn’t understand what you want.

You cannot achieve anything positive with aggressiveness. Keep calm and try to get your dog’s attention in a confident voice.

Stop contact with other dogs

In order to avoid conflicts and stress when going for a walk, we often prevent our dog from making contact with other conspecifics.

However, we should ask ourselves: Why do we actually go for a walk with our dog? Shouldn’t he play with other dogs and escape the daily routine to let off energy and make new (dog) friendships?

You should give your dog time to greet and play with other dogs!

Lose patience

One of the most important things about dog walking is that you have a lot of patience. Your four-legged friend will stop at every corner, every post or other place to sniff at it.

You will also meet other dogs on your lap. To make it a relaxing walk for everyone, it is important to take enough time and, above all, to enjoy it.

The wrong equipment

Another mistake that is often made is using a leash that is not suitable for the dog. Pay attention to the correct strength, length and thickness of the leash, which should match the size of the four-legged friend.

Use a harness instead of just a simple collar for walking. This gives you more control over your dog.

Tips for walking the dog

  • You should take different routes so that you and your dog do not get bored.

two dogs walking

  • Ask an expert how hard you can physically challenge your dog during a walk in order not to overload him.
  • Your dog should always have his or her tax stamp or identification on it for identification. A chip is also very important in case it escapes you!
  • Always take small bags with you so you can pick up your dog’s piles. Keep the streets clean so that other people or dogs aren’t bothered.
  • Distract your dog if he starts barking as it may bother others. It is best to draw your four-legged friend’s attention to something else.
  • Avoid the midday hours, especially on hot summer days, so that your dog does not have to suffer from excessively hot temperatures.

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