Dispute Between Dogs

If a fight between dogs can be prevented in the first place, there is no risk of injury. Therefore, watch your dog’s behavior when he is in contact with other dogs. You can tell when he’s nervous, growls, or shows his teeth.
Resolve arguments between dogs

When  dog arguments  arise, we often don’t know exactly what to do to separate the animals from each other. The consequences can be serious, both for the dogs and their owners. Therefore, it is important to know strategies to intervene in a fight between dogs. 

Preventing arguments between dogs

Preventing arguments between dogs

If a  fight  between dogs can be prevented in the first place, there is no risk of injury. Therefore, watch your dog’s behavior when he is in contact with other dogs. You can tell when he’s nervous, growls, or shows his teeth.

Some dogs go straight for a member of their own kind with the intention of biting them. When your dog is on a leash, it’s easier to pull him away quickly to prevent this from happening.

The game between dogs can sometimes get out of hand. It is also possible for two males to meet trying to assert their leadership role. Another reason for dog arguments is food, or fighting over a female. Protecting the puppies can also be crucial.

If you intervene in an argument, you run the risk of getting hurt yourself. But then you will find various strategies that can help you react correctly in a dog fight.

1. Keep calm

It is fundamental not to lose your nerve, because this is the only way you can think quickly and act correctly in order to separate the animals from one another. Most quarrels between four-legged friends only last a few seconds. You shouldn’t pull your dog on a leash because it could bite you.

Take a deep breath and count to 10 before you step in!

2. Make noise

A good strategy is to scare the fighting dogs. They become aware of the source of the noise and stop fighting. You can shout, applaud, stomp on the floor or, for example, knock on metal to make the loudest possible noise. 

3. water

You can also scare and distract the dogs with water. Many four-legged friends don’t like water. You can use a water hose or water bottle if you have one on hand. You may also have a water bottle with you when you walk in the park, which can be useful in this case.

A little bath won’t hurt the dogs, but it will keep them from fighting any further.

4. Create distance

You can find an object to separate the animals from each other. A piece of wood or cardboard, a stick or the lid of a trash can … Try to put something between the dogs without putting yourself in danger!

5. Throw a blanket on the dogs

If one of the dogs cannot see his opponent, he will stop fighting. You can also prevent your dog from being attacked by another. A blanket, coat, or other item of clothing can be very useful in this case.

The covered dog needs all its energy to free itself from the item of clothing, the other dog can in the meantime be controlled by its owner and taken to another place.

6. Pull on the tail

Be careful here as the animal may act instinctively and bite you. The good thing is that it is an effective strategy for ending the argument. Pull the dog up hard by the tail, but do not hurt the dog. Do not forget that in its tail there are also bones and nerves connected to the spine.

7. Use your legs

Play and fight with dogs

It is not necessary to hit the dog hard in order to separate it from a conspecific in an argument. You can just vigorously move it to the side. However, you should only do this if you are wearing protective pants and good shoes, as the dog could bite you in the leg.

8. Last resort: use your arms

If none of these tips work and you don’t have an object on hand to separate your dog, use your arms. Lift the dog’s rump as if it were a wheelbarrow. Do this asap to pull your dog away from the fight.

Once the two dogs are separated, be careful not to let them escape to prevent new arguments.

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